I could go into a great big monologue but I'll try to keep it short.
To me knowing how many she slept with tells me what kind of girl I'm dealing with. She tells me she slept with only 4 guys. OK why? She's picky with the guy she dates? They were all long term relationships? Or, she lost her virginity 6 months ago and she's gaining experience. She tells me she slept with 14 guys. Again why? She's had her wild time and is finally looking to settle down? She's still going and wants to reach a number before settling down? She's just easy and gives it up to any guy?
Knowing her lets me know where I stand so that I don't get fooled. The last thing anyone wants is to be played for a fool. Male or female. You kind of have your 1st answer then you ask the others.
OK she's slept with 4 guys. Now, why only 4 and how long ago was her last relationship. Is she ready for someone else or is she still heartbroken and I'm the revenge fuck?
Another scenario. You find out that this chick has been around a lot. OK, fine. Why did you sleep with so many. Have you finished soiling your wild oats? Are you still in that phase? You are, cool, then just a fuck it is. You're done with that phase. Great, lets get to know each other.
That's why I want to know. I know where I stand. I don't waste my time and more importantly. I don't get played for a fool.
I have taken that approach when I was single because I've learned my lesson. I was casually seeing a girl for 2 weeks. She was cool and got along really well with her. She showed me signs that she was interested and I showed her that I was. Then we went out clubbing with her and her friends and me with mine. We were having a good time and then I was on the dance floor and then I see her dancing with another guy. I started thinking WTF after the 2nd song. I asked her if she knew the guy and she said no I just danced a couple of songs and that's it. I let it go.
Days later she calls me back and we start talking. She then mentions to me that she went on a date with him. I said really, how was it. She said that the date went well and that she slept with him but he was awful in bed. She wasn't going to see him anymore. I said wow that's too bad. The very next sentence she asks me what I was doing Friday night because she wants us to spend the night together. I told her you know what, I'm not going to be someone's sloppy 2nds and hung up on her. From then on, I decided to know the girl better BEFORE falling for one and being played for a fool. Had I known this before, I would've known what kind of girl she was. I would've changed what my goal with her was.
Sorry, I tried to keep it short