How did you come up with your board name?

After looking at Becks...poamr's name, and wondering how to pronounce it:), I got to thinking: How did he come up with that, and what does it mean?

In fact, how did all of you guys come up with your Freeones names?

Mine is an anagram of the first 3 letters of my first and last name, joined by an 'i'


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm a chef...I live in Chicago...and I have no imagination. That's how I came up with my board name.
I just picked what I thought was a cool sounding name. I had seen it a couple of times before, and not long before registering here, I think I saw a movie where it was mentioned.
BECKS is a HE!!! :eek:
I was trying to think of a name to use for a forum about 4-5 years ago, and I didn't want to use my usual forum name. At the time I was reading The Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman and I really liked the character of Gerald Tarrant. He was such an egotistical asshole. I loved him. So I picked that as a name and have kept it ever since.


Retired Moderator
It is my real name and I had been using it before joining the board to access My.Freeones. I decided to keep the same username for both.


Closed Account
This thread has been done before a loooong time ago, but I'll tell it again.

Back in school, there was this fat bitch no one was too fond of... Her name was Laura and one day someone said "hey, wheres Laura?" but for some odd reason I thought he said "Wheres Dave Rhino?".

She got called Dave Rhino for about 3 years and hates me for it. But I stole it back and use it as my online disguise ;)
in grade 10 we were asked to make email adresses. the internet was starting its boom around that time, well for me anyways. and we were told to be creative. so i chose juballs. dont know what, but its stuck every since
Easy, it's my real name.
It was literally the first thing that popped into my mind and it made me laugh. In actuality, I'd like to change it to something "cooler."


knows petras secret: she farted.
mine is a play on a nick name i got from old co-workers. someone called my squall, then squally, then everyone did it. i put the umz cause i felt cute that day. im beginning to get tired of it though.
I got this one from the movie "There's something about mary" when the PI was bullshitting mary and told her about the retarded kid named mongo. It made me laugh so I have used it here and there. I don't have a permanent cyber name, but have often gone by "I like boobs" or "fucking hostile."