Hottest Video Game Chick

There sure are a lot of Video game chicks out there that are so Hot. but the question is who is your favorite(s)? there are many to choose to from, so list as many as you want!
Lulu - FFX
Paine - FFX-2
Mitsuru Kirijo - Persona 3
Liara T'Soni - Mass Effect
for me its...
Tifa Lockheart-FF7
Yuna-FFX, FFX-2
Taki-Soul Calibur Series
Sophita-Soul Calibur Series
Asuka Kazama-Tekken Series
Ling Xiaoyu-Tekken Series
Rubi Malone-Wet
Miyuki-Xenosaga Series
Shion-Xenosaga Series
Kos-Mos-Xenosaga Series
Jade-Mortal Kombat Series
Kitana-Mortal Kombat Series


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Ling sure is cute.
Princess Peach fo sho. I'm also a fan of:

Rydia - FF4
Terra, Celes FF6 (yes, green hair is sexy)
Katt - BoF2
Selfie, Quistis - FF8
Jessica Albert - DQ8
Samus - Metroid series
Wow lots of numerous ideas for this thread but to stay serious... then Chun Li.. hands down without a doubt...

Far from all the rest, she is one of the most know (perhaps beaten by Lara Croft) the most untouchable, the holder of all adolesent and mens fantasies, plus she looks good in cosplay and has her own hollywood actress. This is perfection!
Isn't there a thread of this already?

Anyway,I'd have to say Bayonetta without a doubt.She's just fucking sexy as hell.

Runners up would be Kasumi from DOA and Taki from Soul Calibur.