I am gonna list some of the hottest girls I known in the Adult world...You will thank me later trust me!! (THIS IS NOT RANKED)

1) Black Angelika (Pornstar):

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2) Jasmine Grabus (AKA Bitchnr1) (Amateur Pornstar)
**This picture does not do justice, she is a lot hotter!
**type in bitchnr1 in xvideos or type in ******** bitchnr1 in google and go to her profile page


I will post more Adult stars in the future...


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2) Jasmine Grabus (AKA Bitchnr1)
**Known for Amateur videos; just type in bitchnr1 in xvideos or google bitchnr1
** she dates Jan Mauersberger now!! (lucky son of a bitch)
** These pictures don't do Justice, she is much hotter in her videos!

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