Hot For Words by Marina "hotforwords" on YouTube


Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards


Closed Account
Im with you all im lost.
hmmm interesting. what a nice idea.
I take back some of the blond jokes I've been telling over the years.
I sat through that for about 45 seconds. Then I looked outside and I noticed grass growing. That seemed to hold my interest a little better.


Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
What I like with FreeOnes is: people here aren't too easy to impress just with a cleavage or something,
but to be fair, it was stupid to post the first two links above ("introduction" and "Lesson 1") first.
There's at least more about this "phenomenon",
so You should start with any other video.

It's interesting. Sometimes maybe a little to long, but not that bad,
even though I haven't seen too much of it, I'm not a fan,
but as said before wanted to be fair - so give her a second try.

I don't want to decide.
Do it yourself.
I see the person who posted this got killed. I actually thought it was interesting. I took two years of Greek, so I have an appreciation for linguistics...oh and boobs. Nice combination. Too bad my Greek professors never looked like her.
I see the person who posted this got killed. I actually thought it was interesting. I took two years of Greek, so I have an appreciation for linguistics...oh and boobs. Nice combination. Too bad my Greek professors never looked like her.

Another Greek tragedy? :(

anybody see this "marina" cutie on search HotForWords and she has a lot of videos of telling you where words came from and stuff.
anyways, she has gorgeous eyes, blonde, and PERFECT tits. just perfect. i know she has a website but there are like 3 pics of her. i tried to google more pics to no avail.

so, let's start a thread about her, and how to find more of her


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Re: HotForWords

This should be in 'Identify That Girl'

Will E Worm

Re: HotForWords

Here she is. ;)

Marina, HotForWords

Her name is Marina and she's probably the hottest YouTube attraction these days. In case you haven't seen any of her videos, the user named hotforwords seems to be YouTube's naughty teacher who likes to explain
words in an unique way. Her YouTube channel has no less than 397,329 views at this time with 11,845 subscribers who view all her clips. Her top video recorded 416,271 views which is pretty impressive for a YouTube user. What's more interesting is that our favorite teacher refused to give too many details about her as she posted only her age and her name: Marina – 26 year old. Maybe those are fake too but who knows?