Hollywood actresses that you wish would make Porn

Ok, guys...name some mainstream actresses that you wish would make the unlikely transition into porn.

Here are mine:

Marisa Tomei - I've fantasized about her being in a porn flick for so long until THE WRESTLER came out and only 1/4 of it came true.

Anna Faris - She is THE HOTTEST blonde actress in Hollywood iat the moment in my opinion. She's got a smokin' body (watch THE HOUSE BUNNY), a sense of humor (watch the SCARY MOVIE films), and she can act (watch LOST IN TRANSLATION)

Megan Fox - There ain't a single guy who doesn't wish Megan would tear off her clothes, rub herself, and get banged hard in front of a camera.

Cameron Diaz - She's gotten older from THE MASK days, but I would still love to see her getting banged.


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Past stars [I wish had made one] and present stars [I wish will make one] in no particular order.

Rita Hayworth.
Jessica Alba.
Amanda Righetti.
Summer Glau.
Lena Headey.
Kristen Bell.
Susan Sarandon.
Megan Fox.
Sophia Loren.
Audrey Hepburn.
Jessica Simpson.
Angelina Jolie.
Kate Beckinsale.
Nicole Kidman.
Kim Basinger.
Julia Roberts.