If you are the individual in the picture, you would:
1. report it to the cops
2. Contact the ISP hosting the page threatening to sue.
3. Get a lawyer and sue your ex, if he has any money, otherwise you're fucked.
I didn't click on the link, because it's probably bullshit. I saw something like what was described either on another board or over the last few weeks when I was checking out this board. It's pretty lame. I can find all sorts of pics from sites to have girlfriend ex-girlfriends and I don't have to go to the trouble of sending it to my friends and waiting to see more pictures.
Only someone new to the Internet, a retard or someone that is either so board or so stoned, they have nothing better to do then wait to see porn, would do that. I'm too busy for that shit.
If I wanted to do something like that, I would just a get dial-up Internet account and wait for all the porn I want to load.