Historical event you would have liked to have witnessed?


Hiliary 2020
I was thinking What a sight that must have been to see The Titanic go down from one of the lifeboats.
That must have been incredible, overwhelming,, although horrible.
Little Big Horn, D-Day, Battle of Bosworth come to mind also.
The execution of Ann Boleyn, Mary Queen of Scots, Thomas Moore and other historical english events..........ect ect.

If you could go back in time to witness an event, but not be part of it, invisible per say, unable to interact,which would it/they be?
There could be loads but I guess the Jack The Ripper killings, a shocking event at the time and Victorian London seemed to have some great character.

See the building of Stonehenge and the Pyramids.


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The duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro
Battle of Thermopylae (300 to most people)
Slave revolt led by Spartacus
The Golden Age of Pirates
the hindenburg disaster
socrates questioning me in the streets
the platonic academy
aristotle's lyceum

...i'd need some ancient greek for those last three


Any of the Apollo lift offs
and I'd like to see the very last space shuttle reentry, but that is a future event.

Seriously, I wish that I was in attendance of this airshow to see how irresponsible this pilot was. . . . hot dogging around and putting his 3 crew members in peril, not to mention the lives of countless spectators and ground crew.


Two more . . .

The trampling at Mecca

To have heard aviation histories' first sonic boom out of Chuck Yeager's X-15 rocket plane.
yep, resurrection of Christ here too.
I would like to have seen the original (Ancient) Seven Wonders Of The World, when they were started and what they looked like finished etc

Great Pyramid of Giza

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

Temple of Artemis

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus or Tomb of Mausolus

Colossus of Rhodes

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Not a wonder but the Buddhas of Bamiyan destroyed by the Taliban in Afghanistan

I'd also have liked to have seen the Black Death as it unfolded throughout Europe as well as the English Sweat which killed the infected mysteriously in minutes and eventually disappeared without a trace several centuries ago.

ps Can't believe no one has said they wish they could go back to the time of the Dinosaurs


ps Can't believe no one has said they wish they could go back to the time of the Dinosaurs

The only reason I would want to go back to prehistoric times would be sample some of the animals. I don't think a dinosaur would taste very good for some reason though and would be too hard and risky to catch and kill so I'd probably stick to the Triassic period I'm sure there were some fantastic mammals on the menu back then.

I've always wondered how prehistoric humans knew how to cut the umbilical cord after the birth of a child or did they cut it all? That would be worth going back to find out I think. And what was prehistoric sex like between men and women? Did they ever fuck for pleasure?