Hip Hop is dead


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
'Mikel Knight'???

I am German, I will buy any shit he puts out ^^

Too bad he rides a bike, he shoulda go for the Trans Am :)


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
more mindless drivel to keep the masses occupied. Religion isn't doing it as much anymore, so keep their minds occupied with different rhythms to grind to
I'll say this.....there are tons of tittays and hot chicks in this video, which is more than I can say for most hip hop videos anymore (that have gratuitous shots of the male rapper and his posse.....>>>>no one wants to see)
Woo hoo!!! When's the funeral taking place? :nanner:


what the fuck you lookin at?

Will E Worm

Hip Hop died a long time ago. Bring Tupac back! :cool: :Flame:

more mindless drivel to keep the masses occupied. Religion isn't doing it as much anymore, so keep their minds occupied with different rhythms to grind to

S'cuse me!? :nono:


Closed Account
I noticed this trend last year with Colt Ford.
Hip Hop/Rap has been dead for at least ten years. It provides nothing orginal, it's basically studio garbage that is produced for the masses and tell's no real tale. The beats have gotten weaker and the lyrics are lame. The only reason some people keep listening to it is the social stigma of enjoying other types of music. But this country rap thing has been lurking for a long time, from the Rapping John Wayne in the early 80's to the Big and Rich song Save a horse ride a cowboy. Give me Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, The Sugarhill Gang, Run DMC, Fat Boys, UTFO, Africabambaka, NWA or any of them as a solo act, 2 Live Crew, Tupac, Jay Z ect ect ect ect. RAP IS DEAD.


Lord Dipstick
Heres the rebirth....God and Royce the 5'9


My Penis Is Dancing!
Rap, I can take.
Hip hop, not so much. Country, not so much. Combine the both of them...and, well, that just solidifies I will not listen to it.