I wanted to reply last night but thought it was getting late and i'm not into typing lengthy posts on my phone.
I'm not too sure about going out of your way to finding it, but if one of the major networks published it on their sites as their latest scene then it will be spotted by chance. In this case on the teamskeet website or bangbros and maybe any other sites they been on while looking for something else. Fair to say alot of them users maybe be a subscriber on them sites and don't mind the other stuff.
Here another one
Violet did with Julianna Vega for Bangbros
Makes me wonder how they came up with the idea of doing this? Like did fans go to these networks asking for this, or did porn companies think this is a good idea to use. I would doubt muslims went and requested such scenes, which begs question did white people ask for it, whether it some hidden racism or islamophobia to kind of stick it to them. Same reason why some people find interracial porn offensive. Not to those who say i don't like seeing white girls getting fucked by black guys, more on the sense that it feeding on some racial biases that black guys have bigger cocks than white guys and are seen as superior etc etc. Again i have no problem with this porn either.
If it was nun porn would people cause offense? I would say not so much but it again portrayed in media, not just porn that muslims are quite sensitive and easily offended when they are on the receiving end of jokes or being criticisied. Offend Christianity, no problem, they don't mind, but offend Islam then there are problems. I do not need to provide real life examples.
I am curious to find out who these stars are that are doing that (provide names please), i would assume it a less known or amateur star as i doubt a well known established person would want to do that and fear of getting their image tarnished, as lets be fair alot of the muslims would be their fanbase also. It begs the question on why are doing that porn? Is it to cause offense and say Islam is bad etc etc and this is what i think of it and being racist about it, or is it more of a fight back against the establishment kind of thing? If a white girl did this kind of porn, it probably be the former, but if it was from a Muslim background probably the latter. I give an example of whats happening in Iran of the burning of hijabs and depending on who doing the burning can point out the intent behind it. Cause as you know people like me could get killed for being who we are in these countries, being LGBTQ, leaving Islam can get you stoned, so if it more someone doing porn to highlight these things i get it, then again it not something i am going to get out of my way to be turned on about.
As Mia Khalifa is the main example of someone portraying a Muslim in a hijab doing porn and got so much backlash to point of death threats, makes me wonder why others, such as Violet Myers didn't get any? Maybe she did but it's not as huge as Mia and not as publicised. From what i understand Mia was from Lebanon, and according to a recent tweet by Violet, she has some Turkish in her. I am sure Violet has alot of Muslim fans. Does ethnicity play a part in this?
Would other main stream stars with the likes of Angela White, Kendra Sunderland etc consider doing this kind of stuff if offered, or would they know that this might hurt their brand doing it. If they did do it, would their be a huge problem compared if a arab/south asian looking girl did it? Then again how many of those girls do you see in mainstream porn, and how many would like to enter such a profession, due to cultural ideals and other things. I am sure if there was such a market for those kind of girls, they would be plenty of them. Sorry if that would delve in other topics and discussions which might relate to this. For those who live in the UK or the states i am sure alot of white people know the stereotypes they are perceived as to Arab and south asians, and we kinda know how we are portrayed in the west.
For the ones that did to it, probably at the time of shooting it where maybe they were not big, thought of doing it cause if they didn't do it, someone else would, which meant for those pursuing a porn career, opportunities would be taken away from them. You could say same for Hollywood roles. If you had 2 girls, and 1 was uncomfortable in doing x y z and didn't want to do it, and the other girl was alright and didn't have to be offered more money, then fair bet that the 2nd girl would be getting more roles? Especially if x y z was doing nudes.
Sorry if my post went on too long, but happy to expand on what i mentioned if needed