High school gone to the dogs...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, actually only one dog. This is a very cool story.


Always by her side: Diabetic high school student's Golden Retriever named Katie earns her spot in the yearbook after coming to class with her owner every day for two years

Hailee Blonquist's service dog was featured in her high school yearbook
The junior at North Summit High School in Utah was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2014 and got Katie the golden retriever shortly after
Katie can sense when her blood sugar level might drop, and fetches a juice box
Next year, Hailee hopes Katie can have a senior quote in the yearbook
I saw this story a couple of years ago.it was cool then and it is cool now.

ETA: The story I was referring to was another situation similar to this.

I think it was in Oklahoma.

This is catching on it seems.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Dogs probably earned more, then a pretty good chunk of the rest of the class. I'm just a little surprised one would have a service dog for diabetes. I know people with severs cases of it, and it's very serious, but I'm a bit surprised by that. I wonder if a service monkey, which I think you can also get, would be able to learn how to take blood sugar?

By the way, they're both pretty cute.


Postal Paranoiac
Hehhehe.. I agree with the "cute" comment. ;):clap: