Hi, we're the biggest fags in the world

Now, by fag I mean the revised South Park definition - people who ride around on loud Harleys thinking they're bad-ass

I'd like to now contribute a similar behavior to the official definition of FAG...

- wealthy celebrities (actors/athletes) that just can't get enough attention from being "famous" and feel the need to absolutely destroy luxury vehicles by customizing them in absolutely horrid "look at me...I'm a retard" fashion.

I'm not talking about some basic Unique custom work, wheels, chromed grills, new paint...hell no, I can live with that.

I give you two of the biggest FAGS in the world...they just happen to be professional footballers in England

Beware. This is hideous shit folks.





Stephen Ireland actually had the R8 redone with light blue trimming because the other team in town wears red...knucklehead!

I was cool with 50 Cent chroming out a Lambo because he's fiddy...that's expected

These two dudes need medical help!


what the fuck you lookin at?
I don't care what anyone says. That chrome SLR is fuckin sick! If I had the money I'd have a chrome car too. Slightly biased as chrome is my favorite color. The gold escalade is just tacky.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Sorry, I only read the thread title. Good luck with that! :hatsoff:
Come to Myrtle Beach SC about mid-May and you will see a half a million of them for about 10 days straight.
What next? These young men who make a massive amount of money for kicking things will probably hang out with garish model types for fleeting insincere trysts. I haven't laid eyes on a copy of the daily mail for 20 years, nice to know that some thiings don't change.

They're not hurting anyone. These vehicles are all taxed and insured and impossible to get away with a crime in. Leave the youth alone just because they are having more fun than you.
Everybody hates the Bourgeoisie :dunno:

I'm okay with the idea of Ireland buying his chick a hot car. Just hope the relationship lasts. Maybe she'll trade in and trade up to Arshavin ;)


Closed Account
I am going to go with the assumption the pohlice don't taser folk in Merry Old England. Because if they did, well, oh what joy it would be to taser some of those guy's balls.