Hi, it's Crystal!

Crystal Klein

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Hi guys, :wave2:

I thought I'd drop by and say hi (wow, i can even rhyme!), after one of my website members told me there are some threads about me here. And since I'm always up for talking to fans, I thought it wouldn't hurt to check it out!
After surfing around a bit here, I also discovered that some of my model friends are active here too, so even better!
And if you are good boys, I will spoil you with a few free pics in the future. flylicker

Hope to hear from you!

XOXO Crystal
oh pls spoil me...I am always good...me thinks

Btw Welcum to the board... Have fun and enjoy your stay
Hey Crystal, I saw you on the Howard Stern show awhile back and your appearance was one the best I have seen. You were a really good sport with all their antics (letting everybody feel you up to see if your breasts were real). Do you have any pics from that show (uncensored, perhaps)? Love ya, Frank
Loved you to the core on Howard Stern,And when you busted Beethoven`s Fur elise on piano you stole my heart.
wow your gorgeous! ive never heard of you til' now....simply stunning

Are you naturally a brunette? Because the drapes don't match the carpet
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