Ok you have a friend she has a beautiful house it has a lovely inviting front door that she invites you to enter frequently, she even has an upper door that she likes to let you enter from time to time that as a guy entering that door can be as much fun as entering through the door on the lower level. Why then would any man want to crawl in through the tiny tight fit bathroom window, I don't know and I've never wanted to go in that way myself.
All that long winded attempts at humour is my attempt to make a point using an analogy, so that in mind here's a new years resolution for porn or at least something I'd like to see in porn, or rather some things I'd like to see less of in porn.
top of the list and what I was referring to in the bizarre ramble at the top is anal sex, I don't like it i don't want to do it and I don't want to see it in the porn I look at but I'm outta luck cos seemingly these days its in every last shoot and it doesn't seem there's a pornstar that hasn't done it at least once. Ok I get why they're doing it in photo shoots or on film for money extra money I'd imagine than just doing straight up porn.
I don't see the appeal I don't think it looks sexy or is in any way erotic or a turn on and I really don't see how anybody does, I can honestly say I've never had sex with a woman who's said to me you know what would make this sex really hot and really turn me on, you jamming your cock straight up my ass. Sure they've said you having a bigger cock and knowing what you're doing more would turn me on but never hey please jam something up my back passage. there was a time anal sex was kept I the deepest darkest corner of the internet but its been let out into the light, well shoo be gone with you I think its time to put it back in that dark place and bolt the door shut on the way out.
That way if you do like that kinda thing you can go find the key and peek in if necessary but otherwise those of us who don't like it and I hope there's more guys that don't like it than guys who do can trawl the internet porn highway without bumping into it unexpectedly and having to look away awkwardly.
I can't be the only guy who has never had any interest in anal sex, at least I hope I'm not.
other things that have crept in and are now almost common place violence toward the woman, in even the most vanilla of scenes the guy slapping her face or grabbing her round the throat I can see why this might appeal in bondage sex and other fetish scenes but why in regular porn shoots. I don't wanna see it any more thanks.
The third thing OK I've seen some pretty sexy stuff using cartoons animation and now 3D images that are quite a dark thrill to look at and get a happy feeling you know where, but what I can't stand is stuff using tv or comic book cartoon characters.
Seriously doesn't matter how you draw her Marge Simpson is never sexy and why would you want to look at a picture of Marge & Homer doing it or worse Marge & Moe, Ned, Skinner and other variations such as Skinner's mum and comic book guy or Skinner's mum and anybody. The same goes for any combination of lois and meg griffin with any of the male characters on that show or the mum from American dad, or the girls from Scooby Doo, ok please stop it and stop sexualising things from my childhood and things that are not meant in anyway to be sexual.
Rant over, I'm done. Ha ha sorry just notice the spelling up there of analogy. yeah I'm definitely done now, so what does everyone else think any one else out there wanna chip in with their opinion agree/disagree you know what to do.
Oh just so I'm making myself clear the bit at the top, when I said the front door meant pussy, the upper door meant her mouth for blowjobs, (never had a bad blowjob) and the bathroom window is her anal passage.
All that long winded attempts at humour is my attempt to make a point using an analogy, so that in mind here's a new years resolution for porn or at least something I'd like to see in porn, or rather some things I'd like to see less of in porn.
top of the list and what I was referring to in the bizarre ramble at the top is anal sex, I don't like it i don't want to do it and I don't want to see it in the porn I look at but I'm outta luck cos seemingly these days its in every last shoot and it doesn't seem there's a pornstar that hasn't done it at least once. Ok I get why they're doing it in photo shoots or on film for money extra money I'd imagine than just doing straight up porn.
I don't see the appeal I don't think it looks sexy or is in any way erotic or a turn on and I really don't see how anybody does, I can honestly say I've never had sex with a woman who's said to me you know what would make this sex really hot and really turn me on, you jamming your cock straight up my ass. Sure they've said you having a bigger cock and knowing what you're doing more would turn me on but never hey please jam something up my back passage. there was a time anal sex was kept I the deepest darkest corner of the internet but its been let out into the light, well shoo be gone with you I think its time to put it back in that dark place and bolt the door shut on the way out.
That way if you do like that kinda thing you can go find the key and peek in if necessary but otherwise those of us who don't like it and I hope there's more guys that don't like it than guys who do can trawl the internet porn highway without bumping into it unexpectedly and having to look away awkwardly.
I can't be the only guy who has never had any interest in anal sex, at least I hope I'm not.
other things that have crept in and are now almost common place violence toward the woman, in even the most vanilla of scenes the guy slapping her face or grabbing her round the throat I can see why this might appeal in bondage sex and other fetish scenes but why in regular porn shoots. I don't wanna see it any more thanks.
The third thing OK I've seen some pretty sexy stuff using cartoons animation and now 3D images that are quite a dark thrill to look at and get a happy feeling you know where, but what I can't stand is stuff using tv or comic book cartoon characters.
Seriously doesn't matter how you draw her Marge Simpson is never sexy and why would you want to look at a picture of Marge & Homer doing it or worse Marge & Moe, Ned, Skinner and other variations such as Skinner's mum and comic book guy or Skinner's mum and anybody. The same goes for any combination of lois and meg griffin with any of the male characters on that show or the mum from American dad, or the girls from Scooby Doo, ok please stop it and stop sexualising things from my childhood and things that are not meant in anyway to be sexual.
Rant over, I'm done. Ha ha sorry just notice the spelling up there of analogy. yeah I'm definitely done now, so what does everyone else think any one else out there wanna chip in with their opinion agree/disagree you know what to do.
Oh just so I'm making myself clear the bit at the top, when I said the front door meant pussy, the upper door meant her mouth for blowjobs, (never had a bad blowjob) and the bathroom window is her anal passage.