Hey Everyone. It's Anita Blue.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Hey baby, JupaMan loves you hun... you are looking amazing... and I'm glad I got to see them in person first hand. :)

Here's the pic of us from last week when you were.

Looking hot babe, I love this set

hey girl, I love this outfit, how come I haven't seen it before? I think we need to do a shoot with you in it. ;)

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Love you too. Thanks for looking out.XOOXOXOXOOXO


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Just post away and have fun - nice to see you here on Freeones, Anita :)

Thank you babe. But what I'm trying to figure out is I have friend requests and notifications that I don't know how to look at. I need help with that. XXXXX


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Okay so I don't know how to start a new thread so everything that I gotta say I'm going to say under this topic.

I gotta find out something from you all here. Would it make scene to do little clips for you all and post them on here? The clips would be stuff that I shoot for my site. Let me know what you all think. Kisses


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Okay There has been some confustion with me Anita Blue of the late. People think that I am addicted to drugs. Which to tell truth I am not and if no one wants to believe me I will be glad to take a drug test anywhere and anytime. I just have a wanna be pimp who is spreading viscious rumors about me. So all I gotta say is I think some porn people need to grow up and act like adults.
er...welcome to F.O.
Okay There has been some confustion with me Anita Blue of the late. People think that I am addicted to drugs. Which to tell truth I am not and if no one wants to believe me I will be glad to take a drug test anywhere and anytime. I just have a wanna be pimp who is spreading viscious rumors about me. So all I gotta say is I think some porn people need to grow up and act like adults.

Okay There has been some confustion with me Anita Blue of the late. People think that I am addicted to drugs. Which to tell truth I am not and if no one wants to believe me I will be glad to take a drug test anywhere and anytime. I just have a wanna be pimp who is spreading viscious rumors about me. So all I gotta say is I think some porn people need to grow up and act like adults.

+1 :thumbsup:

Hello Anita and welcome aboard to FO! ;) Have fun and stay sexy. :D
SF8 :cool:


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Thanks for the welcomes. Big Kisses to you all. Let put it this way, I said what I said out of being mad but you know what I have realized it takes to much time to be mad a t people, so what I have to say about all these people how spend there times spreading stuf about others is get a life and grow up. Anyways. Hello all. I'm back