Here We Go Again

The parents of those children killed are buying it.

Of course what would they know?

America's bearded mercenaries strike again.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think that there already are US special forces and so on in Syria, it is just not possible to tell that officially to anybody in the public. Plus the US supports the Kurds, yet has to also struggle with Turkey, whose government wants to clearly elimionate the Kurds. And that is one of the key issues - your government must decide whose side they are on, the turkish government, or the Kurds?

And we can assume that the russian governent will have stated clearly< in private talks with US diplomatrs:

Syria is russian soil, do not step in, or you get war (Probably not only in that region)

A terrible gridlock, and I am glad I don't have to decide what to do.
No criticism of Russia by Trump at all. How not surprising lol

Instead he blames Obama for doing exactly what Trump recommended Obama should do :facepalm: :facepalm:

And so the alternate facts freak show continues.

Mr. P, you've been living in a fantasy world about your man Trump. He sure as hell isn't a pacifist. He's had aggressive action against Iran in mind throughout both his candidacy and presidency. And China.
Now Assad is on his radar screen too, though his butt buddydom with Putin will probably prove to be of more importance to him.
Nikki Haley did in front of the U.N.

She did that with Trump's approval.

Yep, she sure did.

Trump was very complimentary toward Ted Cruz until he stood in his way and then he got the Full Donald treatment.

I suspect Trump will be able to turn on Vlad just as easily if necessary.


Hiliary 2020
No criticism of Russia by Trump at all. How not surprising lol

Instead he blames Obama for doing exactly what Trump recommended Obama should do :facepalm: :facepalm:

And so the alternate facts freak show continues.

Mr. P, you've been living in a fantasy world about your man Trump. He sure as hell isn't a pacifist. He's had aggressive action against Iran in mind throughout both his candidacy and presidency. And China.
Now Assad is on his radar screen too, though his butt buddydom with Putin will probably prove to be of more importance to him.

yeah I'm living in a fantasy.
I'm about the only here who doesnt have my head up my ass.

You think this is Trump? You really think the president, especially a new president is at the top of all this?
CIA, Deep State, Military Industrial it what you want but they have been in control since way before Trump came around and still are.
I'm just sad that Trump seems to be going along with it.
That is disapointing
If you think Assad just gassed his own people and this isnt a false flag to get a war going then fine.
Good thing most people arent that fucking stupid

Who are "most people?" Most people believe this is a false flag?

Other posters have tried to appeal to logic and reason and facts with you, but you are impervious to all that.

We'd have a better chance convincing ISIS to denounce Islam.

You're a lost cause.
I think that there already are US special forces and so on in Syria, it is just not possible to tell that officially to anybody in the public.

There have been U.S. Special forces in Syria and for a good while and had been officially announced during the Obama Administration. We also have conventional forces in the country. Stryker vehicles with huge American flags flying from them have been all over the news.
I pointed this out in another thread, but Assad has killed hundreds of thousands of his own people including children using barrel bombs dropped from helicopters or other conventional weapons, but because he has used chemical weapons (again )this time, a line has been crossed.

Get ready, we're on the cusp of the next world war.
If you think Assad just gassed his own people and this isnt a false flag to get a war going then fine.
Good thing most people arent that fucking stupid

Seriously, you cant really believe that?
Yeah, who could believe a dictator would massacred his own people to fight rebels ?
It's not as if dictators have been doing so for ages. It's not as if Milosevic, Polpot, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, etc. have done it in the past.

Assad's political party is Ba'ath. Do you know who was also a member of Ba'ath ? Saddam


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
If you think Assad just gassed his own people and this isnt a false flag to get a war going then fine.
Good thing most people arent that fucking stupid

Seriously, you cant really believe that?

Trump believed it.

This and more updates on your late local news.
Who freaking cares let Syria burn for all I care.

100,000 Syrian lives are not worth 1 US soldier in my book.

Let Russia clean it up.

Whole middle east have been butchering each other for thousands of years I say let have their fun.


Hiliary 2020
You people are fucked up.
Sorry not sorry. You deserve it on this.

Assad has with the help of Russia finally nearly rid his country of the "moderate rebels" that the US armed and paid.
Moderate rebels meaning Al-Qaueda....our supposed enemy who we've spent trillions of dollars fighting "the War on Terror" against.
Plus millions of dead humans. And for what?
So the Syrian people are almost free of what must be a life of pure hell. They did that with no help from the Good ol USA.
Trump openely says just a few days ago that he will not pursue a "regime change" even though its no regime, Assad is the legitimate leader of a legitimate country. One of the oldest countries on the map. Around long before our country.

So everything is going on a good track for Assad and the Syrian people and suddenly he's gonna gas a bunch of his own people?
Which would not only turn the entire world against him but give the US warmongers a perfect excuse to invade and destroy his country and kill him just like they did in how many countries since 2001?

If you believe that then you are dumber than a sack of shit.

Remember they already tried this in 2013 and it was proven he didnt gas anybody.

And where do you get this info from? CNN, MSNBC, BBC ect . The same old msm who sold you the wmd's and who you know lie to you everyday.
How many times are you going to be lied to before you finally wake the fuck up?
How many invasions are you going to back based on pure bullshit?

The US has been sending war machines to Syria since Obama wa still prez, lots of them. They weren't doing that for no reason.
They need to take down Syria and their mercenary armies couldn't get the job done.
Let the US invade Syria over this false flag. As if they give two shits about some dead Syrians.
They just killed 300 Iraqi civilians and theyve killed many Syrian civilians also.
They are arming and backing the Saudis in their slaughter of Yemini civilians.
So if anybody thinks this is about the US caring about those poor dead Syrians you are a fucking idiot.

This is serious shit. Our country is bankrupt. Its owned by the central banks and will be forever at this point.
We have problems on top of problems and our entire economy could crash any day.
And we're gonna go to war against Syria Russia and Iran? Millions maybe billions could die including you and everybody you know.
Does anybody think thats a wise move?

Again how many times do you have to be lied to and led into war based on those lies before you finally figure it out?