
FreeOnes Lifetime Member
A. It's got to be an early one. It has Shawn Rees in it.

You really can't go to Reality Kings to find it. Mindgeek's webmaster removed many of his Milf Hunter scenes because of the redesign and new layout of the Reality Kings website. Reality Kings at one time was a network. Now Mindgeek and Probiller consider it just a website.They stripped it down a lot.

To add to the drama, RK Netmedia (parent of Reality Kings at the time.) sued him for breach of contract.


Last I heard, he was counter suing them.

There are huge gaps at the Milf Hunter website during the time of Shawn as the Milf Hunter. Entire years are missing.


B. Now, xvideos.com has about twelve minutes of the scene over there:



C. Shawn Rees is at the iafd.com and at data18.com, however no listing of Marissa in his scene pairings at either site.

Unfortunately, that makes Marissa a "one and done." Sorry.
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