help with this french killer

hello all

first thanks for the amzing support in this forum :nanner:

please i need your help with this young lady ill give all the info i know

i saw her in a movie on french lover tv but they dont have a tv guid so i tried to write down the names in the end that i can remember its a JBR media movie 2004

after a lot of search i happended to find her on the cover of a movie but i couldnt get any info about it here is the name of the movie :Les Débutantes de John B. Root 10

and here is the link to the canal tv service :,300,336,10663.aspx

she is on the cover

it one of those movies where two girls play with each other and then comes titof guy they suck his ***** and put dildo up his ass,then he gets to f@$k both of them i think they call the movie kind bi or tri i dont know.

anyway thanks in advance for your help :)