HELP NEEDED: lingerie search!

Hello peeps,

My girlfriend and i always try to spice up our sex-life, as normal people should do.
I told her that I have a humongous turn-off with a type of strings and I would love to get her a pair. And she agreed :)

However, I have never seen them in either sex shops or conventional stores. I know that Rachel Starr and Jayden Jaymes use them often
I am even unsure if they are called V, Y or simply G-string. The ones I am looking for don't for that triangle or T effect on the bag.
The strings just seem to "dive" into the butt, which is what makes it sexy to me, as it enhanced the butt area.

Here are some examples.
like this, but with a thinner string instead

Any advises would be VERY appreciated, in order for me to complete this fantasy of mine.