Most likely, Mindgeek has had their webmaster purge these older scenes from the Brazzers website because the respective videos probably didn't work anymore at the Brazzers website especially after being fifteen to seventeen plus years ago. Mindgeek does not restore films, upgrade or remaster them. Remember, that these scenes were made before Keiran Lee and Danny D. ever got there. So with Mindgeek (Manwin prior), there is no incentive to save them onto their servers. Keiran Lee may have just started working for Brazzers, so there may be some later scenes with him. However, there would not be any scenes with Danny D. They've also delisted the corresponding photo galleries as well because then Mindgeek doesn't have to continue to payout royalties to the photographers whose work it is they've taken down.
Try looking over at for these films. They'd probably be sold in bundled packages. Another place that I would try looking for them would be at and/or
Especially if another producer was originally creating these films for Manwin/Mindgeek. Seems like it, since your first scene has a logo on it. is now a part of MileHigh Media. Apparently, parts of MileHigh Media are now on Gamma Entertainment (Netherlands) as part of Who knows if MileHigh Media is upset with Mindgeek? I wouldn't know. But maybe? ...
Use Google, Tineye or Yandex and any other reverse image search engine for places where the photos could be housed. The internet has a vast abundance of places for those.
Good luck.