jod0565 said:Nope, I have all my future kids with me at this time, and let 'em out when I feel like having fun.
americanharley said:Kids, whew, theres something I don't want to think about. Maybe when i get a little older I'll take more serious consideration about kids.
********** said:So you have a 13 year old, Fellowes? It's stork. You mean stork.
I don't have any kids nor will I ever. There are too many in the world already. The love of my life has three and they're almost grown up now. She doesn't need anymore, only wants them if I want them - I don't want them, so we're all set. Call me selfish but I have too many things to do in the next 20 years to devote as much time and effort and love as is neccessary to raise children properly. Plus I like living in the United States and if I had a child I would never ever raise my child in the United States, so it would mean I would have to move.
********** said:Call me selfish but I have too many things to do in the next 20 years to devote as much time and effort and love as is necessary to raise children properly.
********** said:Damn that's a bit mean isn't it? I'll answer your questions but do you have to be so hostile?
x4g63x said:I have a 6 month old girl, she means everything to me. She's what makes me want to change the world so she can grow up with everything she wants.
She gives me purpose and is my inspiration.
I call it a cop-out. It's hard work just to have a kid, but it's life's purpose to propagate. It's our responsibility as adults to make our world a better place for our children. Why do you think I'm against violence? I don't want my daughter to grow up seeing as much as I did. And I want to raise her so that when she has my grandchildren she will have lived a better life than me, and will have done more to make the world a better place.
********** said:(1) I love living in the USA but I think it's one of the worst places on earth to raise children. I think the country inspires capitalist selfish thinking and implants it in its young. I think teens in America are twice as materialistic than anywhere else and a lot of them treat their parents like absolute shit, more than anywhere else. I think most of it is down to the media and culture, and down to schooling: Universities in America are awesome but high school in America can be hell - it's about cliques and learning that you have to be one of the boys/girls to belong (a bit like this whole thing about me not having kids)... I hate American schooling. I'm very glad I went to school in England. I'd raise my kids in Europe, and since I don't want to live in Europe anytime soon, it would be a huge sacrifice to have kids. I would feel like if I had them in America, America would be raising my kids and there would be nothing I could do about it other than holding on too tight, keeping them reigned in, and that only ever pushes children away.
maxell said:Don't worry people I don't want to know the whole of your personal life, I was just wondering if any other board members have any kids!
I have a daughter 13 years of age called Petra
And having kids is hard work at times lol
So is anyone else on this board a father or mother?