Have you ever taken a shit so good you questioned your sexuality?

Just askin'

You would have to bring this up half hour before I have to start taking laxatives in preparation for a colonoscopy tomorrow
No, BlueC, I haven't...


I'm watching some specialist videos
Can't say I've every questioned my sexuality over a shit, but I have heard it said that a good shit is better than bad sex.
I've taken a few goods one here and there. I can't say that it ever made me want to go to some gay club and start slobbing all over some guy's penis and pound his ass while tickling his balls.
These are the kinda threads you see appearing just before the OP gets himself banned.

Kind of. It's not like he's saying he takes one, questions his sexuality, and found a new fetish of shit eating. Or how he likes to rub it all over himself while questioning his sexuality.

Sure it is a very odd thread but nothing really ban worthy.


yes! YES FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE! and sometimes when I poop, I like to suck the shit back in and push it out, in and out repeatedly. Its awesome
I once took a shit the size of Lexington Steele's cock. I must admit that I wondered why girls always seem to be in so much pain. It slide right out of me and felt pretty damn good...lol


Lord Dipstick
No, taking but taking a dump that sticks up out of the toilet bowl water is right up there with blowing a 7 rope cumshot!:nanner:
is it me or does this board just keep getting crazier and crazier?.:wtf::lame:
