Hate Vikings Thread

I hate this team. They just let Moss, the most explosive wide out in history, go. I now want this team to suffer. Forget this team. I will continue to wear my Moss jersey from '98 - the greateast team (mayeb ever) - with pride, but this team disgusts me. Please berate this poor, poor team, here.
You know what's really funny? The Patriots might very well wind up with Moss back. And they'll still get the third round pick they traded him for plus the Vikings will have to pay the rest of his 6 million salary for the year.

Honestly, I think they're now trying their absolute best to actually make Favre decide to retire for good.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Damn Vikings, discovering North America hundreds of years before Columbus and rewriting the history books. Where do they get the nerve...
Yeah Moss is cut, Childress is a fool, however, this team got in my opinion the best running back today & one of the best defensive end too.I hate them for Moss, but i ain't buried them yet.
Yeah Moss is cut, Childress is a fool, however, this team got in my opinion the best running back today & one of the best defensive end too.I hate them for Moss, but i ain't buried them yet.

Damn, there's Vikings' fans in France? :D Fuck this whole organization, and fuck Wilf for trying to tax my ass for a bitch ass stadium. AP will have his knees blown out in 2 years, believe me. Piss. :ban2:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I heard Farve will try to heal the sick and infirm with his hands.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
But I like the Scandinavian Vikings.
I'm trying to stay objective, i'm not support them, i'm a fan of Moss & it makes me sick to see a franchise going this way with him.I thought it was a serious trade, but Childress or this organization get me wrong badly. I hope next year, it will have some serious changes for this franchise......


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Apparently Moss was a first rate asshole. Not that this alone should be a firable offense, but seriously, why would someone behave this way?:


What a prick. A guy with an awesome talent, lucky as hell to be playing in the NFL, making tons of cash, chicks all over him no doubt, idolized by millions of fans....and he wants to piss it all away by acting like a total dickhead?? :dunno: He makes Barry Bonds look like Mr. Congeniality.
What a prick. A guy with an awesome talent, lucky as hell to be playing in the NFL, making tons of cash, chicks all over him no doubt, idolized by millions of fans....and he wants to piss it all away by acting like a total dickhead?? :dunno: He makes Barry Bonds look like Mr. Congeniality.

Well, if there's any solace to be taken, it's that Moss isn't shit without a first rate QB.
Apparently Moss was a first rate asshole. Not that this alone should be a firable offense, but seriously, why would someone behave this way?:


Oh please, compared to some of the shenanigans of T.O. and Chad Ochocinco this is relatively tame. I guess it would have been alright had he been throwing footballs at female reporters or sending them pictures of his schlong. Anyone ever consider the fact that the restaurant owner may have made crap ass food? I am not condoning what he did, but you knew what you were getting when you signed the guy. No one ever accused Randy Moss of showing tact at times, causing some trouble, or being afraid to speak his mind. But hey, at least he wasn't on that boat.:tongue:
Oh please, compared to some of the shenanigans of T.O. and Chad Ochocinco this is relatively tame. I guess it would have been alright had he been throwing footballs at female reporters or sending them pictures of his schlong. Anyone ever consider the fact that the restaurant owner may have made crap ass food? I am not condoning what he did, but you knew what you were getting when you signed the guy. No one ever accused Randy Moss of showing tact at times, causing some trouble, or being afraid to speak his mind. But hey, at least he wasn't on that boat.:tongue:

As much of a clown as Ochocinco has been, what has he ever done that compares to this? And as far as T.O. is concerned, I'm sure your well aware that multiple teams sent his ass out the door for his so called 'shenanigans.' If anything this fits exactly into that category. And who gives a damn if the food did suck anyways (which on all accounts it didn't). Why would anyone who wasn't raised by wolves scream something like that out?