White slave masters never admired their black slaves, yet white sports fans all around the world worship their favorite black athletes. Nike endorsements, sports arenas, and college campuses aren’t exactly what I’d call slave ships, chains or whips. Yet, if you listen to black activists, ESPN analysts Michael Wilbon and Jamele Hill, or Black Lives Matter, you’d get the impression that racism and oppression are just as prevalent in America today as it’s ever been. Nothing could be further from the truth, and most American’s instinctively know it.
Democrat overreach has caused a backlash amongst non-blacks. Black racism fatigue is real, and the left is making it impossible to root out real racism by yelling racist every time they “feel” offended by a white person. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) is the latest to claim White House Chief-of-Staff, Gen. John Kelly, used a racial slur when he implied she was an “empty barrel.” Nonsense! Outlandish accusations like that do nothing to stop racism or improve race-relations. To the contrary, unfounded racial assertions needlessly reopen old wounds by turning all whites into enemies without evidence or warrant.
Consider the fact that over 70 percent of NFL players are black, yet former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick recently filed a grievance lawsuit against NFL owners for collusion to keep him out of the league. Furthermore, ESPN’s Michael Wilbon, claimed Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, was acting with a “plantation mentality” by saying if his players (employees) kneel during the national anthem, they’ll be benched. Sorry Mr. Wilbon, slaves never averaged $1.9 million annual salaries for playing a game they loved. What an insult to our ancestors! Americans of all political stripes are fed up with haughty liberals judging their heart and intentions based on skin color alone. Now, that’s racist!
Democrat overreach has caused a backlash amongst non-blacks. Black racism fatigue is real, and the left is making it impossible to root out real racism by yelling racist every time they “feel” offended by a white person. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) is the latest to claim White House Chief-of-Staff, Gen. John Kelly, used a racial slur when he implied she was an “empty barrel.” Nonsense! Outlandish accusations like that do nothing to stop racism or improve race-relations. To the contrary, unfounded racial assertions needlessly reopen old wounds by turning all whites into enemies without evidence or warrant.
Consider the fact that over 70 percent of NFL players are black, yet former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick recently filed a grievance lawsuit against NFL owners for collusion to keep him out of the league. Furthermore, ESPN’s Michael Wilbon, claimed Dallas Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, was acting with a “plantation mentality” by saying if his players (employees) kneel during the national anthem, they’ll be benched. Sorry Mr. Wilbon, slaves never averaged $1.9 million annual salaries for playing a game they loved. What an insult to our ancestors! Americans of all political stripes are fed up with haughty liberals judging their heart and intentions based on skin color alone. Now, that’s racist!