Has Jenna Jameson ever done Interracial??

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nope...never has...thats why shes overrated...doesnt do anal, doesnt swallow...i wonder how she stays on top :2 cents:


Apparently, all JJ does any more is hang out at the rib and pancake joints on the way to cash her webpage checks....;) :D
cypocrypt said:
nope...never has...thats why shes overrated...doesnt do anal, doesnt swallow...i wonder how she stays on top :2 cents:

Calling JJ "overrated" is an injustice.... it's much worse than that.... more like she's the most overrated pornstar ever.

To answer the original question, "No she doesn't do IR." I have a question of my own, however, which is, "Does that surprise you?"
It does not suprise me, i just never knew if she did. Wow so no anal, dp, nothing, she is very pretty and hot, but i tought she had at least done interaciall or anal. oh well.:crying:
Cuban Mikey said:
she is very pretty and hot

Maybe compared to the average girl on the street, but compared to other pornstars..... that's a different story.

I can think of 500 pornstars that are better looking than her and a 1000 that are hotter than JJ.
parker said:
Maybe compared to the average girl on the street, but compared to other pornstars..... that's a different story.

I can think of 500 pornstars that are better looking than her and a 1000 that are hotter than JJ.

yeah....look at hannah harper!!! as hot as jenna if not hotter and does it all (well she hasnt done IR but im sure she would if the opporunity came)
Well yea i agree that they are many good looking porn stars besides JJ but to say that hannah Harper is one of them... maybe back then ,but now she looks like a COW :shocked:, she is Huge.
But yes i agree that they are better looking porn stars.
JJ's vagina scares me
cypocrypt said:
nope...never has...thats why shes overrated...doesnt do anal, doesnt swallow...i wonder how she stays on top :2 cents:

I personally am a big fan of Jenna's and think that she is very hot. Since when does a porn star become overrated because she doesn't to IR or anal? It is the stars choice if they want to do either and believe it or not some prefer not to do either.

Jenna's latest release Bella Loves Jenna was released on Feb 25 and had the highest pre-order of any adult film. Jenna has been at the top of the adult industry for years which is unheard of in this business. Most other "stars" are around for 1-2 years and then they fade away. Jenna is one of the main reasons that the adult industry has become as large as it has and been a little more tolerated by the mainstream public. In my opinion no other star has done as much to advance the adult indutry as Jenna has.

In my opinion Jenna is very hot and if you don't agree with me then that is your opinion and you are certainly entitled to your opinion.
cypocrypt said:
nope...never has...thats why shes overrated...doesnt do anal, doesnt swallow...i wonder how she stays on top :2 cents:

I'll tell you why she doesn't do them,she doesn't have to.She chose not to do them acts,and still has millions of fans world wide.
I'm not saying that those who choose to do anal,IR,or any other acts that Jenna doesn't do are better or worse.It's there choice.
To answer your question on "how she stays on top?"
The name Jenna Jameson equals $$$$$.She's past just Porn actress status,she's now a power player in the biz.
She stays on top cause of the fans that vote for her.
That's just my opinion though.
The reason Jenna is still on top and will stay there even after her retirement as active performer is because she's as smart as she is beautiful. Unlike most other pornstars she is in full control of her life, her company and her career and she surely knows what she is doing. Go ahead and look what contracts she recently signed (Vivid), the release schedule of her movies and the movies themselves (look at Bella Loves Jenna) and you'll see that she is actually planning her moves and not just throws scene after scene after scene until the "she sucks because she doesn't do anal" pseudo-"fans" get tired of her.

If you can't live without anal or IR scenes that's fine with me but some of us don't need that and I just don't see why this is such an absolute requirement to stay on top. I met Jenna in person at the AVN and like her even more now since she's one of the most approachable people I know.
read my post!!! i am not disputing JJ looks good and yeah while not a requirement to di IR/anal to climb he ladder, there are people who would like to see that...i personally could care less if she does or not as im not into her....
:2 cents:
On the JJ dispute--Having sex is not that demanding.Working the promo tours for whatever reason establishes the fan base and her relationship to the biz! This is why her contract with VIVID is huge and special. She is doing movies now not shooting scenes under contract. She is very hot in G-G!
I personally am a very large fan of Jenna. its her choice wether or not she does anal or interacial. Sure some people would like to see Jenna do anal and/or interacial. If Jenna decided to anal or intercacial thats her choice not ours. And the more people keep making threads like "Well Jenna doesnt do anal and/or interacial makes her an over-rated pornstar." are just going to continue puting Jenna off to doing interacial and/or anal.
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