Happy Birthday, Elvis...you're dead!


Was King of the Board for a Day

Somewhere, someplace in a far-off galaxy, back on his home planet, the being formerly known as "Elvis" is shaking his head.


Hiliary 2020





Jon S.

Yeah, I saw that tonight. Hell I was 5 years old when Elvis died, and I fully remember sitting on the floor at home with my family and watching television when they announced that Elvis had died IN AUGUST!!!!!!!!!

Sad thing is that her supporters "probably" don't care if she gets anything right...because, being totally honest here.....most of them are dumb as dirt themselves! :2 cents:

Though I am partially of German decent, my German is rusty to say the least. However, methinks "Bachmann" has to translate to moron, or some similar word anyway. Ha ha ha!
Lets say happy b day to a dead guy... If he were alive I highly doubt he would like bachmann just like all other celebrities that dont.. unless they are country singers.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
King? Bullshit.


Closed Account
:facepalm:Could you imagine making a stop at Graceland or Tupelo Mississippi and saying that?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Sure, why not.
So she thinks the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired in New Hampshire, that the Founding Founders fought tirelessly to end slavery, that John Quincy Adams is a Founding Father, and now add this Elvis gaffe. God she is dumber than a box of rocks. And people wonder why the so called "Liberal Media" gets on her.

Jon S.

Methinks Ms. Bachmann should seriously consider spending some time reflecting upon these words of wisdom:

"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"!