Happy Al Hijra!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Yeah, whatever. Another year blowing camels and goats while waiting to blow up infidels is another year wasted.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Thanks mate ;)
but how did u know about it !!
In a really weird way - the other day I was having anal loving with Sara Jay and I saw something tattooed on the inside of the left arsecheek, near the hole.
I looked closer and it said: "Happy Al Hjjra/new year!"
That's right: A speaking arse, it said that to me!
Either that or it's written on my top gear calender. Hard to be sure which really...


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
is it writtin on sara jay body ??
Yep - right next to the arsehole on the inside of her left cheek.
Her arsehole spoke to me. I told it that it was rude for speaking with it's mouth full.

No mate, I'm just kidding. It's written on my top gear calender. Sara Jay has no tattoos that I know of.
Although personally I wish I could tattoo "property of vodkaz victim" on her....
...and a merry christmas to you! :glugglug:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Hold on. Let me resort to the scriptures...

There is gonna be a lot of crapping before I find it.

This is the line:

This is what the person who made that did:
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Not saying I don't find it funny, I did.b But I'll bet you any money someone will take offense and take it out on you even tho you didn't make it.
DAMNIT! I'm gonna have to create a pic! It always destroys that illustration!
Should see the photo I found of Mohammed's head in a stand up urinal...

I tried to keep it plain and simple on my part. I don't want to come off crude.
I can't find it. And what about that pic? All I saw at the end was Chloe and opened it. Anal sexxors.