lkgmtf said:
That was The British not the Canadians
and happy 4TH of July everyone
No, you are only partly right...The United States tried to invade Canada (that was a colony of England) in 1812. The Canadians and the natives and the British kicked America's ass. The last battle (I believe) was just outside of present day Niagara Falls, Canada. The U.S. soldiers then retreated and the United States gave up conquering Canada.
The burning of Washington was done exclusively by the British. But it was done in direct response to the United States' invasion of Canada.
Bottom line is...the only country that the U.S. tried to invade that kicked them back out. Or to put it another way; the only war that the US lost. (Vietnam was a tie - sort of).
Serves the U.S. right for trying to invade us....revolutionary (i.e. post Revolutionary War) dickheads.