Half price on Hummer's!

Anybody see where I parked my hummer?

I know it was here a minute ago.


  • hummervsschoolbus.jpg
    96.1 KB · Views: 250
Oh well one less in the world to go!
Bus driver must be one of them wacky environmentalists that despise Hummers

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm not a car expert, but the engine isn't normally located on the passenger seat is it?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I used to love going to fuh2.com and look at pictures of people pissing on h2's or giving the driver the finger. I don't dislike them because of their fuel economy, it's because they're so hideously ugly. I used to love barreling around the dunes in Saud in our humvee with the speed restrictors removed. That was fun.

The h2 is an automotive abortion.


this what happens when u attempt to install ur own sun roof
that's not the hummer I had in mind when I 1st read the title of this thread


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Hummer for sale: slightly used, runs well.