Half-Life 2

Don't know why I'm posting this here, anyway I just have to say how much Half-Life 2 rules. It's gotta be the best game of all time in my oppinion.

There working on another at the moment that continues straight from where the last one left off.
The game is great, but the online 'steam' client is just pants.
Not to mention the sluggish performance of the game at times.
I like the gravity gun, especially the dark Matter Version...... It must be the second best weapon in an FPS after the Scythe in Undying.
Rastagir said:
I like the gravity gun, especially the dark Matter Version...... It must be the second best weapon in an FPS after the Scythe in Undying.
Yeah, throwing those combine around like rag-dolls....great!
It's the greatest game of all time, next to the original Half Life. Well maybe I shouldn't talk since I'm one of the biggest fanboys you'll ever meet. I've already preordered HL2: Episode 1 from Steam, and my HL2 replica plush headcrab from the Valve Store (I love disposable income)
The original was good in a more 'alien' way, as well as the other packs for it. Alot of people didn't like the Xen part but I thought the total twist around is what made it great. HL2 is more to do with 'time' so Im guessing the next one will be EPIC kind of like the Matrix.

Which is "HL2: Episode 1"?? Is that the upcoming one they name 'Episode 1' ??
ObeBoneKenobi said:
The original was good in a more 'alien' way, as well as the other packs for it. Alot of people didn't like the Xen part but I thought the total twist around is what made it great. HL2 is more to do with 'time' so Im guessing the next one will be EPIC kind of like the Matrix.

Which is "HL2: Episode 1"?? Is that the upcoming one they name 'Episode 1' ??
Episode 1 is kind of like an expansion pack. It basically starts RIGHT after HL2 ends. It costs a lot less than HL2, which makes sense because it's a single player only game AND it's only 1/3rd the length of HL2.

The idea here is that by making smaller "episodes" they can get games finished faster. They also make more money this way =P

I still think they're going to make an HL3 somewhere down the line, but for now we have Episode 1. Episode 2 is already being made... and I'm guessing they'd have one more before they make HL3, if they even bother to.
baultista said:
Episode 1 is kind of like an expansion pack. It basically starts RIGHT after HL2 ends. It costs a lot less than HL2, which makes sense because it's a single player only game AND it's only 1/3rd the length of HL2.

The idea here is that by making smaller "episodes" they can get games finished faster. They also make more money this way =P

I still think they're going to make an HL3 somewhere down the line, but for now we have Episode 1. Episode 2 is already being made... and I'm guessing they'd have one more before they make HL3, if they even bother to.

That's good to hear...The wait between HL1 & 2 was too long. It's a good idea to get them out fast, but I heard the only way to get the next Half-Life games will be to download the whole thing - so that kills the slower internet connections like me!
its a first rate game that continues to push the boundaries, i love the reactive lighting system their employing now.
I actually quite like 'Steam' , it updates well and if you go online with a server with a low ping then i have no problems whatsoever.
The hackers out there spoil it though for everyone
ObeBoneKenobi said:
That's good to hear...The wait between HL1 & 2 was too long. It's a good idea to get them out fast, but I heard the only way to get the next Half-Life games will be to download the whole thing - so that kills the slower internet connections like me!
The wait was so long because they had to create the "Source Engine" to build HL2 off of. It's basically all the coding and stuff that makes the game function, with the nice graphics n physics and what not. It took them like 6 years to get HL2 out... they spent 4 making the source engine, and 2 working on HL2.

Whatever happens, the next HL games... whether it's episodes or a full game release, will be built off of the Source engine, or a slightly modified version of the Source engine.

Think about it, they could have released HL2 in 1999 or 2000, but it would have looked like HL1. I don't think that would've been much fun...
There is a trailer for Episode 1 here

woot!! I was expecting another 2 year wait but now they said Coming June 1st Episode One will be available June 1st in retail outlets everywhere and via Steam. So everyone can buy it now & it's only $20.

I hope somewhere along they do another huge xen-like twist to the game.
I'd love to go back and play HL + Opposing force using the new source engine.
ObeBoneKenobi said:
There is a trailer for Episode 1 here

woot!! I was expecting another 2 year wait but now they said Coming June 1st Episode One will be available June 1st in retail outlets everywhere and via Steam. So everyone can buy it now & it's only $20.

I hope somewhere along they do another huge xen-like twist to the game.

Apparantly it only has a few hours of single player gameplay hence the price, so its a bit of a double edge sword.
arealous said:
Wait for all the mods that are coming out

one of my favorite released ones is Hidden:Source.

I'm waiting for Fortress Forever (TeamFortress Reborn).

I have been playing games all my life since Binatone but i've no experience in the mod scene can you tell me/us more about the HL2 mods from your experiences, actually it may make a good thread.:rofl:
I always love playing HL counter-strike with my mates on LAN. I haven't played HL 2 though. How is it in comparison to the first?
HL2 mods are modifications made with the game engine to create separate kind of mini-games. I saw a good looking one to do with insects, where you play from the perspective of a dragon-fly or bee or something in an insect world.

how is HL2 compared to the first one? I'd say it's alot more subtle and believable, they brought the game more down to earth and created a totally alternate convincing reality. The Combine are the main enemy now, a combination of the alien dna with human forces. it's definatley worth checking out.

I just finished Ep1, it has another impressive cliff-hanger ending. But it's just a small episode so nothing really huge in it. Now just have to wait for the next ep2.
Half-life and Half-life 2 were both great games but the episode 1, episode 2, ... that are gonna be released each 6 months are sucking :mad:
valve is just adopting the EA commercial politic, no more artists, no more gameplay enhancement, only capitalist bullshit ! :ban: