
Some of the stuff in here is just too good


Some of my favorite quotes

When Did Dinosaurs Live?

The story we have all heard from movies, television, newspapers, and most magazines and textbooks is that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. According to evolutionists, the dinosaurs “ruled the Earth” for 140 million years, dying out about 65 million years ago. However, scientists do not dig up anything labeled with those ages. They only uncover dead dinosaurs (i.e., their bones), and their bones do not have labels attached telling how old they are. The idea of millions of years of evolution is just the evolutionists’ story about the past. No scientist was there to see the dinosaurs live through this supposed dinosaur age. In fact, there is no proof whatsoever that the world and its fossil layers are millions of years old. No scientist observed dinosaurs die. Scientists only find the bones in the here and now, and because many of them are evolutionists, they try to fit the story of the dinosaurs into their view.

The Bible tells us that God created all of the land animals on the sixth day of creation. As dinosaurs were land animals, they must have been made on this day, alongside Adam and Eve, who were also created on Day Six (Genesis 1:24–31). If God designed and created dinosaurs, they would have been fully functional, designed to do what they were created for, and would have been 100% dinosaur. This fits exactly with the evidence from the fossil record.

Evolutionists declare that no man ever lived alongside dinosaurs. The Bible, however, makes it plain that dinosaurs and people must have lived together. Actually, as we will soon see, there is a lot of evidence for this.

When reading evolutionist literature, you will be astonished at the range of ideas concerning their supposed extinction. The following is just a small list of theories:

Dinosaurs starved to death; they died from overeating; they were poisoned; they became blind from cataracts and could not reproduce; mammals ate their eggs. Other causes include volcanic dust, poisonous gases, comets, sunspots, meteorites, mass suicide, constipation, parasites, shrinking brain (and greater stupidity), slipped discs, changes in the composition of air, etc.

Mass suicide? :bang:

I don't normally ridicule religion, so I'm not going to here but this guy is nuts!!
Yes, apparently in one of the books of the bible, they interpret a behemoth with a tree like tail as a dinosaur (stegosaurus I presume), I'd love to read more about humans coexisting with dinosaurs... did we domesticate them? Did we use their meat and hide?

The absolutely, positively, most idiotic thing I've ever heard came from a Christian Astronomer website. When asked by an atheist how it was possible that God's earth and perhaps Universe is only 6,000 years old and Astronomers see stars and starlight that is millions and even billions of years old due to the fact that it takes that long to reach us, The group responded by saying that The starlight was placed there by God to fool us and that the mathematics that go into measuring those distances is the product of the Devil... I nearly wet myself laughing. :1orglaugh


For the EMPEROR!!
No scientist was there to see the dinosaurs live through this supposed dinosaur age. In fact, there is no proof whatsoever that the world and its fossil layers are millions of years old. No scientist observed dinosaurs die.

How are people supposed to beleive in God if they apply their brand of logic. :D

Their bullshit is hilarious, yet I shudder to think of them in charge of any or all educational centres.


My Penis Is Dancing!
This is why some people have absolutely no business even trying to argue anything scientific. When it comes to evolution, climate change, the evolution of the universe, the evolution of man, economics, politics and its affects on society, among other things, they've not the mindset nor the intelligence to grasp what is being discussed. Let the adults discuss those topics, boys, you just keep on reading your little story books.
I am not here to stand up for religion, but I do want to shed some light on something big. Did you know that the Smithsonian institute will spends a ton of money each year trying to keep the Evolutionist theory in place. If you were to write your doctorial thesis saying that evolution might not be the way things happened your school will frown upon you because most of thier science budget comes from grants that originate from the Smithsonian. A few years ago a Senator from Indiana tried to have the Smithsonian institute investigated for this type of shady dealings. It was barried in the back pages due to the whole enron debacle and the economy tanking. I am not here to say evolution didnt happen, I just want you all to understand that your are being forced to believe in evoution and not creationism through grants that have been handed down from the Smithsonian. It is easier to follow and believe someone who has backing either through money or political power then it is to buck the system. Just ask countless german civilians from the 1930's. Before you all go sayin," Well thats different and how can you compare evolution to the belief of Nazi'ism"., I am not comparing the belief of evolution to Nazi fundamentalism, I am comparing the ability of the human mind to conform to others idea's.
I can not remember where I read this article, but it was an excerpt out of a book, it went something along the lines that, the chance of human life to develop to todays standards is llike a tornadoe going through a junk yard and forming a fully functioning Boeing 747. In any arguement you have ever had with a sibling or a friend or even a coworker, hasnt the true answer been some where in the middle?
To say I came from an ape, but yet most of our working organs are closer related to a pig. We just shouldnt believe blindly in one thing or another. Questioning everything in a logical well meaning form is healthy for our minds.
So my point is, everyone should be a synical, sceptical S.O.B.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
If this is in debate then who really released the Kraken?


My Penis Is Dancing!
God cock-sucking fucking damn it...if you are going to make an argument against evolution, at least use proper spelling and grammar. Seriously, it will help your case. Not doing so severely hurts your case.
God cock-sucking fucking damn it...if you are going to make an argument against evolution, at least use proper spelling and grammar. Seriously, it will help your case. Not doing so severely hurts your case.
If your referring to me sorry, am typing from a smart phone. It is hard to type in long well written idea's. Grammer, spelling and punctuation go out the window when your typing on a small screen. For that I am sorry. If you were not directing that at me then forget my previous statement.