Habits- Make one or break one in 21 days.


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Seems they say you can make or break a habit in 21 days. It makes sense in theory, but does it work? Habits seem bigger to me and much more complicated. Maybe I just look at them that way to avoid trying? :dunno: 21 days scares me though thats a long time to think and give up. I stopped smoking in one day, in one moment. Had I tried just back peddling for 21 days I don't think I would have beat the habit.

I find the idea of making of good habits in 21 days to make more sense. To get used to incorporating something new into your life. Bad habits are already a part of you and need to just be crushed, no introductions needed.

Anywho, anyone have any thoughts experiences? Of making good habits or ending bad one?




I stopped smoking cold turkey when I was 19. When I was 21 went to a bar with friends I started smoking again, and have been smoking since.

On a good note

I smoked 2-3 cartons a month. Now down to 2-3 packs a month.

In a short time I hope to stop all together.
I am following this To leave my habit to Masturbate... I will tell u after 21 days.. it work or not...

I am sure it won't... :D
Well, I broke a really bad Chocolate and caffeine addiction. Once you get to 14 days I'd say you feel unstoppable.

It just depends if you can fill the so called void you leave.


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Well, I broke a really bad chocolate and caffeine addiction. Once you get to 14 days I'd say you feel unstoppable.

It just depends if you can fill the so called void you leave.

I think that 'filling the void' is very important. Good point. Just a thought, to replace a 'bad habit' void with a 'good habit' you may want to pick up. Like while giving up the caffeine a person could take up 'meditation' as a double shot at helping their stress level.



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I agree with your points LL. :)

I have one bad habit I need to kick and that's smoking this summer is when I will try to kick this habit.

I think if you aim you goal low and don't try to kick in a day or two you would do a lot better if you set a limit for you self. And same goes with a good habit.

There's no good habits that I want to take right now but I'm sure in time I will have a few. :)


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Come on people, not one person willing to try and develop a 'good' habit in 21 days? Or break a 'bad' one? Just to see if it works. I'm 6 days into handling my mail only once and doing pretty good I must say. I had a bad habit of setting stuff aside for later and it just piled up.



what the fuck you lookin at?
I managed to quit smoking back on december 11th, I had my last cigarette. So that's what...about 3 1/2 months now? I used the patch and have now actually been nicotine free for over 2 months!!! So my 21 days are over and I feel like I can keep going with it. When I feel like I want a smoke, I just tell myself "you've made it this far, why give up now?"

I dunno what good habit to try and develop? :dunno:
Chocolate/sugar and caffeine I managed to break.

It was really simpler than I thought. If I get a craving I eat a piece of fruit or go for a walk by the sea (weather permitting!).

To be honest though I get very few cravings and even then only minor. And I had a couple of easter eggs given to me at the weekend - I decided to let myself have something seeing as it was easter: I had one bite of a Creme Egg and it just tasted revolting (this from a guy who used to buy boxes of 12). So I gave away all my easter eggs. I'm proud I broke the habit and I feel a lot better for it, I am regaining my fitness and self-pride again, saving money and feel a lot happier. :)

Only problem is I tend to sleep more now and get tired easier due to the fact I'm not 'wired' all the time!

Five weeks and counting.
I'm trying to get into the habit of conserving every bit of electricity in my house as possible and I try not to leave a light or any other device on unless it needs to be. I have been doing this for over a month now and so far it's working out well.

Come on people, not one person willing to try and develop a 'good' habit in 21 days? Or break a 'bad' one? Just to see if it works. I'm 6 days into handling my mail only once and doing pretty good I must say. I had a bad habit of setting stuff aside for later and it just piled up.


Okay. I'll take you up on the challenge. I'm addicted to internet porn, especially freeones, porn with neurons I call it because of the forums. I'd like to focus less on that and more on my blog. Wish me luck.