georges, the only thing you ever contribute to threads in the political section are rants about Obama and "ghetto trash." Your views of America consist of gangbangers who sponge off the wealthy, weed cartels forming now that it's legal, and liberal voters being misinformed and stupid. You don't know half as much about America as you claim to, and that's being generous. What you recite as to how much you're in the know about this country's workings and happenings equates to reading the back of a cereal box and saying you've memorized the Constitution in its entirety. You're the one who's naive, but unfortunately you don't realize it. If I was to make half as many snide remarks and comments about France as you do about America, you'd say I have no idea what I was talking about. Guess what? Neither do you. Obama won't be impeached, weed will probably become entirely legal at some point, the Affordable Care Act, despite the GOP's best efforts, won't be repealed or altered, and the world will keep on spinning. If you don't like it, go back to France. Oh wait...