GOP congressman refuses to pay for maternity leave be cause he has "an X chromosome".

GOP Rep objects to paying for maternity coverage because he as an ‘X chromosome’

In a radio interview this Friday. Rep. Pete Olsen (R-TX) mocked the Obamacare requirement that healthcare plans cover prenatal and maternity care, asking why men should pay for coverage that they “can’t use.”

Speaking to radio host Sam Malone, while a supporter of the Senate GOP’s latest healthcare bill, Olsen conceded that it’s “dead on arrival,” adding that the bill still “has some problems.”

“I have some concerns because, one thing, they still guarantee coverage for ten essential conditions,” Olson said. “And one of those conditions — this is care for all, includes you and me — it’s prenatal care.”

“I think we all have what we call an X chromosome,” he continued. “You, me, JP, Tom and Chuck have those, which means we can’t have a baby. Why do we have to pay for that coverage that we can’t use?”

Considering that Olsen is almost militant in his “pro-life” stance, it’s interesting why he’d object to a mother’s maternity care being covered by a healthcare plan. In 2008, declared that “life begins at conception and every life has a soul.”

“Abortion as a means of birth control horrifies every fiber of my being,” Olsen once said. “Our country should work to protect innocent life and I will vote that way in Congress. In the case of a mother’s life being in danger I would understand abortion being necessary.”

That being said, someone should tell Olsen that both females and males have an X chromosome.

Boy this is good, this is so good.
This has it all : pro-life hypocrisy, greed, war on women and, icing on the cake, scientific ignorance

Indeed, this is GOP mentality in a nutshell : They claim to be pro-life, they say "life begins at conception" and they will force women to have their baby wether they can afford it or not, wether they are ready or not. But once that baby is born, his parents are on their own : GOP politicians won't pay to put a roof over that kid and food on the table, they won't pay to offer him good education, they won't pay for him to go to college, they won't pay for the doctor if he gets sick or has an accident, etc...
And they won't pay for his mother's maternity leave either, because, they have an X chromosome which makes the men. It this is where the fun begins for us, liberal. This is how their ignorance shows : Every human being has 46 chromosomes. Men have 46 X chromosomes, women have 45 X chromosomes and 1 Y chromosome.
So what makes him a man is not wether or not he have an X chromosome it's wether he have a Y chromosome or not. And having one would make him a women.

Actually, this gentleman may have found the answer to many issues that America is facing right now :
- Equal pay for equal work : if you have an X chromosome, you're entitled to the same salary than anyone else doing the same job that also have an X chromosome.
- Women in the military : Anyone with an X chromosome can apply to Special Forces, Marines, Navy Seals, etc.
- Gay marriage wedding cakes : "If both of you have an X chroomosome, we'll bake you that cake"
- Gender identity and bathrooms : If you have an X chromosome, you're banned from using the ladies' bathroooms

Republicans and science : Oil and water