I used to like going to a site, video-post.com, to download loads of very short porn clips, like ones that are 10-20 seconds long. I liked doing this because I could put them on shuffle and enjoy a bunch of random scenes. I had been going to this site for like 10 years, and it was updated with like 20 new sites everyday (each site usually having 4 or so mpgs, wmvs, or avis.) I never seemed to have any problems with viruses there, and there were no redirects to other sites that I didn't want to go to.
Recently, I came back to video-post.com after a short absence, and I found that it had become a tube site, where you can stream videos of around 10-30 minutes long, and can't download anything.
I miss the old video-post with the links to the short, downloadable trailers, and have struggled to find a site for these kinds of clips.
Any help would be appreciated.
Recently, I came back to video-post.com after a short absence, and I found that it had become a tube site, where you can stream videos of around 10-30 minutes long, and can't download anything.
I miss the old video-post with the links to the short, downloadable trailers, and have struggled to find a site for these kinds of clips.
Any help would be appreciated.