Glenn Beck Leaves Fox


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
People something is happening here.
What is happening to our country?
This country is transfoming into something very bad.
And why? because we have leadership that doesn't care.
Ever since The democrats took over this country has turned into some socialist regime where people no longer have a voice.
Our country is dying, you can feel it. And like me you want to change it, but oh no barack obamas not gonna let that happen.
this is not the country we grew up in ...........and I dont know if we can get it back.


He's gone because the ratings for his show were down 30% over the past year and Fox sponsors were becoming increasingly reluctant to put their stamp of approval on his message and his methods. I heard that Roger Ailes commented that the network was happy with any conjecture that Beck was either fired or quit so it is evident that he was on his way out one way or the other. He'll still have his radio show and I won't be surprised to see him turn up somewhere else on the tube eventually....probably on the Right Network (and nobody gets that anyway so....:1orglaugh).

I watched him on occasion. Pretty "out there" fringe stuff. Hard to take him seriously but he did have a good act going for a while.
Glenn Beck's style has been around a long time. Here are some of his predecessors.

As I understand, he is in talks with the Westboro Church guys, you know, build the new nationwide media outlet:

The old man there seems to burn himself out, can't purely live on hate forever.

Beck is fresh and so much more entertaining!

That's fair. Glenn Beck hates gay people and loves when US soldiers die. Another brilliant comment..

Can someone give me an unbiased view on what this Glenn Beck guy does? And if soooo many people hate him, why is he so popular?

Basically, without any overused hyperbole, Glenn Beck is an alarmist who embraces a generic Joel Olstein-type of faith/Christianity (he doesn't talk about Mormonism, more so a generic worship of God) and tries to link Communists, unions, socialists, Muslims and general progressives into a single cabal that is secretly (and openly) plotting to turn the US and the world into a single, secular socialist state. To do so, he takes comments and associations from a myriad of groups and eras and links them all together.

For example; If Obama appointed somebody to a position and that person once wrote a forward for a colleague's book, well if that colleague ever praised single-payer healthcare then clearly Obama is a socialist. Then he'll read some passage from some radical socialist group and, viola, Obama believes whatever that passage states.

Think Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, but apply it to a paranoia regarding progressives/Liberals. That's mainly what he does.

But, throughout all this, there this general "religious values" theme that talks about the importance of faith and how we need God in order to defeat this socialist/atheist/Communist threat. So he'll write sappy books about how family is all that matters during Christmas time...or he'll have a guest on who wrote a book about the importance of helping your neighbor out.

The reason Fox is letting him go is because he is his own empire right now. Unlike all the other Newscorp employees, he has his own PR firm and legal staff. His team runs his business and brand, not Fox. Also, his viewers/listeners are loyal to him, not Fox. So since rating are dropping and sponsors are fleeing, Fox doesn't see the need to keep him around so that he can get bigger and richer without doing the same for them.

Mark my words; Glenn Beck will start a Joel Olsteen style church outfit. He won't be a reverend and there won't be any reading from the Bible directly, but there will be a generic "spiritual movement" led by Beck and franchised out. I don't have a doubt in my mind that it will happen. I bet Fox is thinking the same thing and they can't wash their hands clean enough.
As I understand, he is in talks with the Westboro Church guys, you know, build the new nationwide media outlet:

The old man there seems to burn himself out, can't purely live on hate forever.

Beck is fresh and so much more entertaining!

oh dear.....that puts a cap on his Presidency :1orglaugh

He's gone because the ratings for his show were down 30% over the past year and Fox sponsors were becoming increasingly reluctant to put their stamp of approval on his message and his methods. I heard that Roger Ailes commented that the network was happy with any conjecture that Beck was either fired or quit so it is evident that he was on his way out one way or the other. He'll still have his radio show and I won't be surprised to see him turn up somewhere else on the tube eventually....probably on the Right Network (and nobody gets that anyway so....:1orglaugh).

I watched him on occasion. Pretty "out there" fringe stuff. Hard to take him seriously but he did have a good act going for a while.

Right Network? Never heard of it.

I don't think he's thinking in terms of which network to go to next; I think the next move is to take a televangelist approach and get his followers to cough up money for airtime, a mega studio, the whole 9.

His ratings are down...absolutely true. BUT, that's only because the curious and mildly amused people left. He still has huge numbers and those numbers are made up of true believers. This guy has an average of three books a year and they're all best sellers. He sells out arenas when he does his speaking tour. He "writes" kids books and books on how to live a healthy and virtuous life....he's trying to cram himself into ever aspect of his fans.

Maybe, hopefully he'll fall on his ass and lose it all, but I think he believes that he's untouchable and that his fans will be there every step of the way and I have no doubt that he's going to try to become something much, much bigger than a TV or radio guy.
I said it probably a year ago, and I'll say it again. He is going to run for office. His is so absorbed with his own self-created, self-deluded Messiah complex that the inevitable option for him is to run for office.

He believes he "created" the TeaBagger "movement" and he basically feels it's time for him to assume his own political office in 2012. He will be moving to some piece of shit locale in some gawdawful hillbilly backwards area and easily win election.

He follows the recent exodus of other Fox "fair and balanced analysts" who have been getting paid by Fox News for years to prep for election campaigns.

But also what it signals is the FIRST OPEN REJECTION by FOX (Rupey and Ailes) to reject TeaBagger Loonitarianism and to AGAIN reassert its unapologetic belief in Corporate Republicanism. The Beckster's crying and rambling and chalkboarding drifted too far away from the comfy arms of the love for Big Corporate America and too close to the filthy snatch of reactionary racism ["Viewers!! (thought tears into the camera) the only way to salvation is for white America to come together and overthrow these nonwhites who are killing our beloved God and Constitution!"]
I said it probably a year ago, and I'll say it again. He is going to run for office. His is so absorbed with his own self-created, self-deluded Messiah complex that the inevitable option for him is to run for office.

He believes he "created" the TeaBagger "movement" and he basically feels it's time for him to assume his own political office in 2012. He will be moving to some piece of shit locale in some gawdawful hillbilly backwards area and easily win election.

Really? I see this as economic opportunism and nothing more. I don't think Beck has any dream of running for office...he deliberately said he wouldn't. Too much risk in a race and not enough reward in actually winning. I believe it's a money game with Beck. Nothing more.

But also what it signals is the FIRST OPEN REJECTION by FOX (Rupey and Ailes) to reject TeaBagger Loonitarianism and to AGAIN reassert its unapologetic belief in Corporate Republicanism. The Beckster's crying and rambling and chalkboarding drifted too far away from the comfy arms of the love for Big Corporate America and too close to the filthy snatch of reactionary racism ["Viewers!! (thought tears into the camera) the only way to salvation is for white America to come together and overthrow these nonwhites who are killing our beloved God and Constitution!"]

I'd agree 100%, save for the tea Party comment. The "Tea Party" candidates who won were, for the most part, anti-war, anti-big-gov. You can hate them all you want, but Beck's neither. He's his own entity who managed to capture the Palin fringe.

I' love to make a wager if anybody's interested. No money, but something fun. I bet that, in the next 18 months, he wont run for office, but he will start a "movement" that is guided by generic televangelism. Beck's smart enough to know that corporations have far more political impact than a Congressman.
Isn't anyone worried about who Fox Propaganda, opps I mean Fox News will hired to replace Beck.

What if they hire...Charlie Sheen?:surprise:
Isn't anyone worried about who Fox Propaganda, opps I mean Fox News will hired to replace Beck.

What if they hire...Charlie Sheen?:surprise:

What's so bad about Fox? Who cares if they cater to conservatives. If I want bleeding heart news I can easily tune to CNN or MSNBC, and sometimes I do.
i must agree there. fox does cater to a certain audience

I've become increasingly frustrated with Fox with all the saber-rattling lately though. I mean, all their pundits talk all this shit about how we should do X Y and Z but I don't see them lacin' the boots up. It's like, if you wanna get all gangster with the shit, put your money where your mouth is and suit the fuck up. I don't need to hear all that shit. It's partly why I'm a fan of Ron and Rand - they are sensible individuals who aren't all about international affairs and realize our military is over extended. Enough of this shit. Let's get our house in order.

I like all the cable news outfits for their different coverage and take on matters. Sheesh, I don't know why the NPR type get their panties in such a bunch.
I've become increasingly frustrated with Fox with all the saber-rattling lately though. I mean, all their pundits talk all this shit about how we should do X Y and Z but I don't see them lacin' the boots up. It's like, if you wanna get all gangster with the shit, put your money where your mouth is and suit the fuck up. I don't need to hear all that shit. It's partly why I'm a fan of Ron and Rand - they are sensible individuals who aren't all about international affairs and realize our military is over extended. Enough of this shit. Let's get our house in order.

I like all the cable news outfits for their different coverage and take on matters. Sheesh, I don't know why the NPR type get their panties in such a bunch.

I fuckin' love it. It's funny to watch Fox embracing any Democrat who thinks we should be in Libya. Yesterday I saw three separate "experts" on the Fox "news" hour shows that want American boots on the ground over there.

I really, really fucking hope that Ron Paul runs for POTUS again. If the Republican primary is going to consists of Trump (who thinks Iraq should pay us for out "help"), Huckabee (who thinks the CIA should assassinate Julian Assange) and Romney (who's ant-2nd Amendment an implemented "Obamacare" before America even knew who Obama was) then we NEED somebody to call their bullshit every step of the way.

People say Paul can't win. Maybe. Probably. But that's America's fault, not Ron's.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Glenn Beck spews like he suffers from chronic ethanol ingestion. I never watch the entertainment network he lies for so I really don't care if he's there or not. Could Beck be any less ambiguous that he is the leper messiah?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
What's so bad about Fox? Who cares if they cater to conservatives. If I want bleeding heart news I can easily tune to CNN or MSNBC, and sometimes I do.

It's a true shame there is no broadcast news channel or show that is capable of presenting the news with the kind of analytical sharpness and dispassionate excellence as, say, the The Post, Times or Christian Science Monitor (which, despite being founded by lunatics, was founded on the the principle of total unbias, something they have managed to consistently do ...ironic, no?)

Tv news is the intellectual equivalent of doing join the dots with blunt crayons .....
i must agree there. fox does cater to a certain audience

A certain audience indeed, dude.:rolleyes:

Tea baggers, birthers, "traditional marriage" activists, anti-union politicans, pro-life fanatics, pro-war fanatics, racists, global warning deniers, people against the United Nations and NATO, people who think Obama is the next Hitlet, people who still don't know that Afirca is a contenent.:tongue: