Girls With Shiny Faces

Sweaty girls has already been covered, but what about girls with shiny faces? Any pornstars who naturally seem to have a shiny face? Something about that glowing look that turns me on.
it's probably photoshop, either that or the lighting.

unless you are hanging out with some bitches from Chernobyl. in that case, run!
Oil, glitter, other make-up or sweat is what makes faces shine.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Here in the states we call that 'oil'. Take some rice paper to it and it's gone.

Ah, and the other shiny face.. old ladies who've been out in the sun too many times, too long.. over too many years. That shite be leathery.
You know what else is sexy that comes with shiny, oily skin? Pimples! Oh, yeah, nothing hotter than a girl with a few furiously red outcroppings with fat, little white pus pockets here and there all over her face! Better yet, you know what really turns me on? Acne pits! Oh, I LOVE me a girl with some nice skin that looks like a lemon peel! :rubbel: :rolleyes:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You know what else is sexy that comes with shiny, oily skin? Pimples! Oh, yeah, nothing hotter than a girl with a few furiously red outcroppings with fat, little white pus pockets here and there all over her face! Better yet, you know what really turns me on? Acne pits! Oh, I LOVE me a girl with some nice skin that looks like a lemon peel! :rubbel: :rolleyes:

Yet another reason why I dont wank it to teenagers. Skin like a texas drilling site. Oil or empty holes in their baby-fat ridden faces. Bleh!
I've seen plenty of girls with a shiny face who didn't have any zits. Especially older women. Not old but older. In one video Vanessa Gold's face is really shiny and free of zits. Very hot looking.
Shiny faces = sweat.

Just look or scenes where the pornstar is being fucked on a beach etc. Somewhere where the makeup woman cant get total access. :D
Greasy faces are not hot. But if the "shine" is coming from sweat (or a mist-machine in a photoshoot), it can add a couple notches to the hotness factor.
Shiny and glowing...hmm? Are these girls pregnant, because that's the only time I've ever heard shiny and glowing used in the same sentence.