who is sexier?
Kingfisher Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie... May 13, 2009 #2 I am not a fan of the colored frame (White, red, etc) sunglasses.
S spitfire80 May 13, 2009 #3 girl with black sunglasses. im a sucker for big boobs. plus she is way sexier than the other girl.
Galactic May 13, 2009 #5 Black for me as well. Probably because her tongue isn't sticking out like the other girl. :dunno:
Boobinator May 13, 2009 #8 They look kinda the same, even the tits. Except the girl to the left seems to have a slightly smaller nose. But my bet is they're the same person
They look kinda the same, even the tits. Except the girl to the left seems to have a slightly smaller nose. But my bet is they're the same person
Spleen Banned? May 13, 2009 #12 The one on the right isn't attractive at all, and the sunglasses make her look stupid.
boobfan May 13, 2009 #14 I am not a huge fan of Blonds but she is the one with the bigger tits so yea, the blond.