Girls from facialabuse and latinaabuse


Closed Account
hey guys,
I know some girls from facialabuse and latinaabuse sites through facebook/myspace/twitter etc...

So...could you help me to find more girls? ;)
PS: I'm not a stalker....I'm simply curious.... ;)
Why don't the girls from GhettoGaggers get any love? ;-)

any idea on he whereabouts of anomaly jane from ghetto gaggers? at one point i found her on a site similar to (or that may have actually been the site... i dont remember) but aside from that she seems to have vanished. at the beginning of her scene she said that she had previously done one other scene. would love to track that down. any help.
I've been trying to find more info on Georgia Lopez. For curiosity sake, and I heard she's an escort. But I haven't found anything.

SO, maybe I can help find more ids for you if you help me out?
her old fb

last few questions; do you remember what her name on fb was (manda, anomaly jane, something else)? how did you find her on fb (i assume you haven't just simply stumbled across all these sluts)? if you can recall any of her facebook friends, do they still have accounts?