just wanted to see whos girl friends/ wife, watch porn with you, and if so are there only certain kind of porn she will watch? Like my girl friend will only watch porn that has multiple girls and one guy. Wich I think is strange but, hey atleast she dose not want to watch gangbang's like 50 dudes on 1 girl.
sweet! i just got married at the begining of the month and just discovered watching porn with my wife.
we never did that in the past before, i never thought she'd like it so i didnt mention it, but since our honeymoon, we celebrate a pretty nice collection. it started with us talking about playboy and hustler and the differences that i knew, then the next thign we know we were scouring vegas for dirty magazines. next thing we ordered a couple of movies from the magazine reviews, and now we got a steady stream of movies coming in every couple of days.
she likes amateur stuff. the same stuff i like which is awesome. it legitimately turns her on. she likes celebrity sex tapes and stuff like that. she also likes aurora snow and jenna haze. (im getting interactive sex with jenna haze this week)
we watched a cum swapping movie and she thought the girls were a little too fake, but she liked the cum shots and the swapping though. (which really fucking turns me on too)
the more real, the better for us right now. though aurora snow is getting us into the main stream a little. we have lots to cover!
id like to add too, that watching porn together has been so good for our relationship. we are so open with each other and we're both having a lot of fun.