girl with amazing ass

what a tight little butt!


  • Photo-0024_e1.jpg
    63.5 KB · Views: 234
Girls where I'm from have way better asses.
They also like scrawny, ugly guys
not buff guys like me
:confused:You laid down the sports section to take a picture of that?
and that picture is terrible.

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh

Yeah, I would if she's anything worth looking at that picture is sure telling a fat lie.:o

Frankly, she's partially obstructing an otherwise nice view of the city.


knows petras secret: she farted.
its an ass. but what makes this picture so special?

i mean besides the fact it was shot in total creepy stalker style.
What the fuck is that bullshit??? Where's the ass??? I feel like the OP owes everyone a damn apology for posting NO ass in a thread entitled 'girl with amazing ass'. Let me help you out: Butts are not supposed to be tight! Butt HOLES are supposed to be tight!

Anyway... Fuck the bullshit... y'all came to see ass, and DAMMITT, I'm gonna make sure ass is represented in this thread!!!


Now that you know what ass REALLY looks like...

Post accordingly.
What about that :

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