[NEEDS ID] Girl in red dress with Tom Holland

Tried Google image and all the results are memes..

think just a fan but did find this which appears to be original everything the same but for some reason the glasses have been photoshopped out of every other version found
Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 11.39.49.png

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
If the face can be photoshopped like it was, who's to say the boobs weren't either? Her outfit may not even have been red, and "she" might have been a bloke.

Person gets photo taken with celeb. Standard stuff.

You want to know who she is so you can find her on social media and admire her titties?

If it were that simple, you'd already know and she'd have a whole ton of followers on the back of this because it's been used as a meme... and even if people did find out her identity, she may have shut her socials down because of the unwanted attention she got.

Move on... would be my suggestion.