Gif in Avatar....

Hello dear friends I wanna know that is there any method to use gif or pics with animated ability in Avatar....
As only moving pis provided by Freeones used as Avatar but is it possible to use one made by myself...

I tried ones but in Vain... :D

Your Friend


Retired Mod


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If you look at my new Avatar, you will see: It IS possible.

Just check your favorite gif goes along these lines:

Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 80 by 80 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller).


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Oh, by the way:

If you don't have GIFs like that handy, I have a lot and could pack them up in a ZIP or RAR and upload them somewhere for transfer purpose.

Or maybe the board could add some of them to the existing pix?