GhostBusters 3

What is the story with the movie? For a while, I heard the 3rd movie was coming out soon. Now after the release of their game, I heard that there is no movie. What is the story?
I thought the game was supposed to be the third movie but now I hear that they've decided to do another movie only having the Ghostbusters train a new young team of Ghostbusters.

Will E Worm

I heard the movie will be out sometime in 2010.
IMBD says 2012.
I thought the game was supposed to be the third movie but now I hear that they've decided to do another movie only having the Ghostbusters train a new young team of Ghostbusters.

Yip. I read that too. And it is for that reason I wont be watching it in the cinema or buying the DVD. If I ever do watch it, it will be because they are showing it on TV. That way I don't pay to see it like I would at the cinema or on DVD.

I really hate the idea of them training a new younger team of ghost busters. This will be so they can continue to make more GB movies for a modern crowd, new cast, new surroundings, ect. Fuck that.
Just seem's like the worst possible cash it to me. But saying that, if most of the original cast are in it (and I hear they are), I'm going to see it.

So I'm a hypocrite .... I knew it!!!
It had better be superb, or the audience will sit there going "booo".

Yeah yeah yeah. What can I say?

I really REALLY hope they do go BOOOO when watching it and it bombs big time. The series should be left as two movies. The eighties are gone and the atmosphere from movies from that era can be challenged but never beaten. Same goes for the music of that era.
I heard that they are using the original cast, and apparently Jonah Hill and some of the guys from his movies (maybe Zeth Rogen and such)
Hopefully the 'new team of Ghost Busters' that are getting trained, or are new on the job wont eat up too much screen time. As I cant say I have a whole lot of interest in seeing further sequels beyond this proposed 2nd sequel. Personally, I would be going to see the old gang back together again, and to finally see a film series I loved as a kid go out on a more satisfying high note.

Which definately wasnt something Ghost Busters 2 provided.
They should just leave that alone..Ghostbusters was a classic, Ghostbusters 2 was ok...but its called stop now and don't ruin it

It would be like making a sequel to Stripes