Georgis ppolitician wants to make miscarriages a crime

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Wow. Just wow!

Inbreeding may explain this guy's beliefs. Or maybe his mommy dropped him on his head (several times) when he was a baby.
Reading this ironically makes me want some birth(er)s to be a crime.:(


My Penis Is Dancing!
Yet another interesting move from the party that proclaims itself the party of small government.
Yet another interesting move from the party that proclaims itself the party of small government.

...and keeping the g'ment out of our private lives.:rolleyes::facepalm:
Wow !

If his mother had a miscariage instead of giving birth to such an asshole, the world would be a better place.

But, please, how the fuck a guy like this could be a state rep. ?!

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Give the guy a break! He's not saying all miscarriages would be felonies punishable by death:

Under Rep. Franklin's bill, HB 1, women who miscarry could become felons if they cannot prove that there was "no human involvement whatsoever in the causation" of their miscarriage.

I mean, that's reasonable, right?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Give the guy a break! He's not saying all miscarriages would be felonies punishable by death:

I mean, that's reasonable, right?


No human involvement causation .... this man or his idiot staff can't even draft a proper legal definition .... all miscarriages have 'human involvement & causation' as it is the body itself that expels the fetus.

Unless, of course, this is the point .... a back door way of poking into the right to abortion by allowing all miscarriages to be investigated as suspected abortions ... which defacto makes abortion illegal.


Dayom! I'd better boot my beeatch in the groin lickity split b'fore the gumment starts to investigate these matters! :surprise::eek:

Wh....... where is she! :hammer:

Another way to look at this is, how do we know with any certainty that this :uhem: "representative'' is a true right winger and not just another poser out there who wants to make the right wing look goofy and extreme? Hmmmmmm? He sure looks like a lib to me! :1orglaugh


Official Checked Star Member
Sometimes I seriously wonder if these conservative fruitloops actually sit around going, "Hmm, alright, what's the most utterly ridiculous and shocking political statement we could possibly make to draw attention and controversy to our party and piss off all those liberals out there."
Another way to look at this is, how do we know with any certainty that this :uhem: "representative'' is a true right winger and not just another poser out there who wants to make the right wing look goofy and extreme? Hmmmmmm? He sure looks like a lib to me! :1orglaugh

We know you and a few of your brothers here are as averse to facts as Bush 41 was to broccoli (or whatever he didn't like) but presenting (drum roll) Georgia Rep. Bobby Franklin.

First elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1996, Representative Bobby Franklin (R-Marietta) represents the 43rd District.

Representative Franklin is serves as a member of the Banks & Banking, Information and Audits, Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment, and Judiciary (Non-Civil) Committees. He previously served on the Natural Resources and Environment and the Special Judiciary Committees.

A graduate of Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, Representative Franklin earned a degree in both Biblical Studies and Business Administration. Bobby is an active member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Representative Franklin’s private sector experience as corporate controller, CFO, and business analyst enable him to bring sound business and fiscal principles to government. He has a record of consistently advocating for reducing the tax burden on Georgia citizens.

Representative Franklin has been called "the conscience of the Republican Caucus" because he believes that civil government should return to its biblically and constitutionally defined role.

Uh yeah, the definition of a flaming lib to me.:1orglaugh He looks like a 'lib' to you? How so? By the way he crosses his legs?:rolleyes:

Trust me (us) ....right wing G:clown:pers do a bang up job looking goofy and extreme all by themselves. I know this doesn't prove anything to you but just humor us with a little common sense for a change will ya?:o


^ Has severe sociopathic tendencies (can't have an adult conversation w/out ridiculing his counterpart).:thefinger:

In other words, it's not an actual human being until it takes it's first breath of smoggy air unassisted, however, any time prior to the actual birth taking place, the ''unit'' is part of the woman's body and is therefore off limits to any sort of gumment intervention, is that what I'm hearing?

Sorry, I just like to ask questions b'fore falling in lock step with the consensus. :shy:
Wow. I think the misspelling in this thread title should be a crime.