Games and/or APPS for iPod touch

when i 1st decided to get an iPod i decided on the Nano i figured i could fit all my music on sister got the iPod touch and didnt really use it for music so much as for everything else.
well this past week i had to get the new Ipod touch so i could actually fit all my music on an ipod and not have to remove something when i had to add something new.... my point

ANY suggestions on any cool APPS or games i should get? i have angry birds and i love it and i have Words (scrabble type game) that my sister had on her ipod. the other ones i have but are getting bored of are:
unblock me
cut the rope & cut the rope holliday version
everyday looper (not much you can really do with it though)
i need something different,new,weird,challenging to try and keep me busy.
please help! :dunno:
get the igun lte
chess with friends
stick skater
datpiff mobile

would you believe i knew how to play chess but forgot? my uncle used to have an insane expensive chess set but it was like just for show until my cousin started playing him. and these games would last weeks the pieces would stay in the way they left them until they played again. i wanted to learn how to play so i could play my uncle also, so they taught me. i guess i only played a few times back then (i was younger) and since i never played any other time i have lost the memory of how to play the game. :dunno: