schlage ein model vor "suggest a model"
or if needed Model vorschlagen
how many characters are we allowed to use, regina??
hotrods suggestion is almost good. :thumbsup:
"model" is known here as "denglisch" ("german-english-mix") in this context for a 'manequin' or 'darstellerin'... we've got no good, short word for it, so we use it (more or less).
also, there's a german word in a different context: a "Model" is a wooden mold/mould for cinnamon-coockies & gingerbread.
well known in "the whole south" like swabia :thumbsup:, bavaria and franconia.
those "northern hessians" like hotrod are really NOT familiar with that. :tongue:
(i put a pic as attachement)
before i swap to too much offtop:
the german word "Neuvorschläge" (or "Neuvorschlaege" in ASCII without umlaut) hits the point.
both -literally and in meaning- it means "new proposals" (respectively "new proposals for a name" in the special site context).
cheers, ka-jott