Fuck it is a indian hindu symbol. Jesus if your going to get it done at least know why cause fuck you'll get some flak.
Basically it featured on the hand of this deity, the deity of success. Most images must now be ret conned but yea man everyone knows hitler has his own wing nut occult clubs who basically shared interest in ancient astronaut theory. It's why you got the cliché "Fuhrer looking in the desert for trinkets" crap flowing through movies.
Indian culture is very old and a lot of it shares some hypothetical links to Et's like Krishna celestial battle and that place I can't mind the name of that they believe got nuked. In short the Nazi's ripped off a ton of shit to add legitimacy to their dreams of empire/cultural superiority. For example the disc under their eagle is the flying disc of Marduk so they ripped of Sumerian shit as well. Same intellectual asses got to america(those pesky scientists) and further propagated it as well cause it's all tied to masonry the one movement that was operating everywhere. Everything else is just factions and splits arguing about ancient shit no one can prove.
PS> Pretty much no shit this isn't wing nut its common sense. Basically a long chain of civilized progress. Everyone pillages the ancestors tomes to say they got civilization down just right.
PSS> Nazism was an abomination and probably a headache for India.