Fuck Ipads.. I Like Windows Netbooks..

An Apple a day keeps Microsoft at bay ;)
I love my netbooks too/ unfair for Jobs to criticize really. maybe he was jealous ;)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I love my little netbook.

Unfortunately, the T on the keyboard is currently broken and is waiting for a replacement...

Will E Worm

PC or laptop :computer:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Fuck computers. Pencil & paper is the way to go! :nanner:
Fuck that Apple for the win!!!
Apple even got a hold of Roald... :facepalm:

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. What a bunch of promotion whores. :nono:

Have to admit that I traded my iPhone for a droid and loving it lol

*posted from my iPad*

I never got the concept of the iPad or other similar things. Why pay all that money when for the same price you could get a laptop that's more functional and a lot better in most ways and only marginally bigger and heavier? Somebody would have to really love touch screens for me to see why anybody would want to get one. :dunno: