FreeOnes what is up?!

wsup, yo.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
What the fuck is a bie? Is this some new slang that I'm unaware of?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
... that would be 'newbie' minus the new (it's quite witty you see). :booty:

That's fuckin' stupid. :mad: You and the OP have to run ten laps around your goddamn house for perpetuating such nonsense.
Hi, and welcome!

Oh, and don't mind Andronicus Ry, he has been disallowed in the shemale threads and he hasn't taken his meds today. It has been a rough day for all of us.
... that would be 'newbie' minus the new (it's quite witty you see). :booty:

I thought he meant bi, as in bi-sexual. Good for you Freeart. Welcome to the board.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Oh, and don't mind Andronicus Ry, he has been disallowed in the shemale threads and he hasn't taken his meds today. It has been a rough day for all of us.

I left voluntarily, dammit! :mad: No one is the boss of me. You will not speak of this incident again. And I don't need any fuckin' medication.


Something I like to do for example, if someone doesn't have talent then he/she is a lent no ta for them at all.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I thought it was clever. Sounds like someones just jealous that he didn't come up with it. :tongue:

You're dead to me. There is no more PK on FO. I killed him, metaphysically speaking.